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Yesterday’s Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report confirms what we have known all along: The Trump-led Republican health care plan to repeal much of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and restructure Medicaid would strip away health care coverage for millions of people -- 24 million by 2026. The only...
MomsRising's picture
Take Action!
It’s Monday ! That means we have a new #5Actions list for you! (See below.) You can do all five of the actions on one day, or spread them out across the week, your choice. One thing is for sure: All the actions that people like you are taking across the nation right now are adding up and having an...
MomsRising's picture
*** Want more information on raising multilingual children? Visit MomsRising's bilingual parenting resource site: My name is Gladis, I am the mother of three children and I have one child in special education. Last month, I testified...
Gladis Clemente's picture
We won the first time and we’ll win again by stomping out the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad bills introduced by Councilmembers Cheh, Evans, and Gray – and by ensuring that DC’s paid leave program receives its rightful start-up funding to get up and running for DC families.
Sara Alcid's picture
The Children’s Defense Fund has made giving every child a healthy start a core part of our mission for all of our 44 years. We are extremely concerned that the American Health Care Act under consideration by Congress right now would undo more than 50 years of progress made expanding comprehensive child-appropriate health coverage to tens of millions of children.
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
If you skipped breakfast today, you may be finding it difficult to concentrate. You’re not alone. Tight family budgets and busy morning schedules can mean many students arrive at school hungry and unprepared for the day ahead. Fortunately, the National School Breakfast Program ("NSBP") can give...
Jessie Hewins's picture
It’s National School Breakfast Week! Join #FoodFri this week as we celebrate the many benefits of school breakfast – from improved learning to decreased tardiness – as well as the variety of ways schools can improve student participation in school breakfast programs. 12.1 million low-income...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
Last year, over two thousand of Maryland’s youngest students in prekindergarten through second grade were given out-of-school suspensions or expelled. This is nearly twenty percent higher than the previous school year. Let that sink in for a second. Expelling pre-schoolers from school? This is not...
Beatriz Beckford's picture
UPDATE: Victory! L egislation to Raise the Age of criminal responsibility in New York from 16 to 18 passed as part of New York ’s Executive Budget . Let’s be clear. The fact that New York state incarcerates young people as adults is about systemic racism. New York is one of two states, including...
Beatriz Beckford's picture
This post originally appeared on the ACLU's site and is reposted here with permission. In Donald Trump’s speech to Congress this week, he surprised many by mentioning the need to “ensure new parents that they have paid family leave.” The president is correct about one thing: Congressional action on...
Galen Sherwin's picture
