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We can enjoy the summer free from the worry that a stumble on the sidewalk or a minor burn from the grill could turn into a serious illness, thanks to antibiotics. By supporting more responsibly-raised meat, you can help ensure these drugs remain effective, so that our summers can remain adventurous, rambunctious, and safe.
Anya Vanecek's picture
In the aftermath of Orlando, I share my thoughts, concerns, and questions with you about gun violence in America.
Chris Rowzee's picture
On this radio show we discuss the tragedy in Orlando, Trump’s candidacy, democracy, and how you can make change. We also cover what happened at the first ever United State of Women Summit that was put on by the White House. Throughout the entire show we cover the many ways in which, as Dr. Martin...
Kristin's picture
Statement from Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, executive director and CEO of , on the U.S. Senate’s failure today to pass common sense gun safety reform measures: "It's easy to think about giving up in times like these. But we can't. The current situation is simply not okay. More than 20,...
Kristin's picture
For over two years resident of Flint, Michigan, have endured lead-poisoned water. In April 2014, Governor Snyder appointed an emergency manager who switched the Flint water supply from the Detroit water system to the Flint River. This change, done to save costs, put the lives of Flint residents in...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
After 15 hours of filibustering in the Senate, they are finally going to take a vote on gun violence prevention legislation. But we still need YOU to make sure your members of Congress vote the right way!
Kristin's picture
By Pamela Deiter-Sands, Connecticut My son with the camera, always watching the world: he shows me things and tells me things that stop me in my tracks. He asked if I'd heard about the boy who texted his mother from the club in Orlando, "I love you mom." I started crying a little and said yes, I...
CT Working Moms's picture
After the #filibuster: we moms have got to keep the pressure on. We've got to say #Enough. Gun violence IS preventable.
Ann Hedreen's picture
On Thursday, June 9, the Senate Appropriations Committee passed (29-1) the FY17 Labor, Health and Human Services and Education (Labor-HHS-Ed) spending bill, the first bipartisan Labor-HHS-Ed bill in seven years. The measure would provide $161.9 billion in discretionary (annually appropriated) funding, $270 million below FY16 levels and $2 billion below President Obama’s request.
Lecia Imbery's picture
Advocates led by the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) rallied on Capitol Hill on Thursday, June 9 against provisions in the House Child Nutrition Reauthorization bill (H.R. 5003) they say are dangerous and misguided. Advocates were opposed to the bill that was introduced because it would weaken the Community Eligibility Provision that allows high-poverty schools to provide free meals to all students, affecting thousands of schools and millions of students, and changes made to the bill made it even more harmful.
Lecia Imbery's picture
