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Cross-posted from NWLC's blog Earlier today, I caught up with Kay Thompson and Sasha Hammad during a break at the White House Summit on Working Families . Kay spoke at the Summit about what having a predicable full-time schedule and a say in the timing of her work hours has meant for her family...
Liz Watson's picture
My mom was sitting across from me at the kitchen table, coloring a kite for me to take the 837 miles from my home in Florida to Washington, DC.
Meredith Tweed's picture
The California Assembly is considering a raise in the minimum wage from $8/hour to $13/hour by 2017. We need California families to speak up for hard-working moms and dads!
Elyssa Schmier's picture
Today, too many working Americans are falling further and further behind. Thanks to decades of failed policies, there just aren’t enough good jobs with good pay or access to quality, affordable child care and health care services for enough of America’s workers. How can we begin to fix this? It’s a...
Courtney-Rose Dantus's picture
Next week, people from all over the country will convene in Washington, D.C.—and many more will log in to participate virtually—at a White House Summit on Working Families. Under the banner of “creating a 21st century workplace that works for all Americans,” we’ll hear from businesses, economists,...
Liz Shuler's picture
When I found out I was expecting the best thing ever (my baby boy!) I had just turned 23 years old. I had finally moved out on my own with my husband and been employed with my company going on two years. Unfortunately, my joy was short lived and I was rapidly overwhelmed with worries about money...
Stephanie Montanez's picture
Parents have spoken. Nationwide 78 percent of parents think that healthier food in schools will increase academic performance and 90 percent of Americans want K-12 schools to play a role in reducing obesity in their community. The USDA heard and implemented USDA nutritional standards for school...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
When my wife and I became parents, nearly five years ago, we had to talk over many things that most parents will never have to think about.
Eliza Buchakjian-Tweedy's picture
With the swipe of a paintbrush or click of a camera, your child can make a difference in the fight to end poverty. Not only that, they have the chance to win exciting prizes, and have their artwork showcased in a national campaign. As part of our mission to build the political and public will to...
Melissa Boteach's picture
Mark Tyler and I have been talking about the ups and downs of being the at home parent. I asked him to write a post about his experience. After several weeks of writing between bouts of cooking, cleaning, hugging, story- telling, dressing, playing, undressing, bathing, brushing, combing, driving,...
Valerie Young's picture
