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Labels can tell you all sorts of things about foods: the number of calories, the percentage of sodium or calcium recommended for your daily diet, whether it’s organic or contains food dyes or flavors. One thing you cannot know from a food product label is whether it was made with genetically...
Margie Kelly's picture
Have you been following the campaign for paid sick days in New York City? It’s a major economic issue for working moms. Here's what Susan Saradon had to say on twitter: @susansaradon "SF study says #paidsickdays good for business, aren't abused by workers. Hope it will be put to a vote. Will talk...
Monifa Bandele's picture
By Dana Kennedy, Health Policy Intern from the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative August is a big month for health care! As of August 1st insurers were required to cover certain women's preventive services without cost-sharing (like co-pays) in new plans, and start covering them when current plans...
Ashley Wheeland's picture
Olympic crafts are fun, easy and everywhere. Simple (but medal worthy) crafts are a great way to spread the Olympic spirit. You can hear all about these Olympic crafts, as well as listen to Olympians, and sports experts on MomsRising Radio with Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner. Find the podcast here: http...
Sarah Francis's picture
It’s hot out! With heat records falling across the U.S. every day, we’re a nation in pursuit of cool . So when it comes to meal time this summer, forgoing the stove and dining on a hearty salad with extra pitchers of lemonade might be the norm. But there is far more to this subject of ‘cool foods’...
Diana Donlon's picture
FORT WORTH, TX -- The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced today that Waterstone Mortgage Corporation, based in Wisconsin, has agreed to pay $27,000 to settle allegations that Cadence Lending, formerly owned by Waterstone, and two employees refused financing for the...
John Trasvina's picture
Having babies. Over 80% of U.S. women have babies by the time they’re 44 years old, and three-quarters of moms are now in the labor force, but our family economic security policies are still stuck in the dark ages. That’s right: Even though 177 other countries have some form of paid family leave...
Kristin's picture
I’ve been reading a lot of parenting books on discipline lately. (Don't ask!) Across all of the methods, one piece of advice is the same – praise your child when they do the right thing. This rule doesn’t apply just to four-year-olds – we all like to get noticed and praised when we do the right...
Ashley Boyd's picture
Did you hear the news? We scored BIG last week! The National Day of Action calling on Members of Congress to sponsor the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2012 was a HUGE success. MomsRising and our partners rallied over 240k people to sign letters to their U.S. House members to support the Fair Minimum...
Monifa Bandele's picture
Shade your eyes, stretch high-up on your tippy-toes, and look west… A bit farther…past your back yard… Up and over the Rocky Mountains... Past Las Vegas glimmer… Over to the massive, distant, piece of land geographically sandwiched between the Sierra Nevada Mountain range and the Pacific Ocean...
