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The sun is out, children are splashing in pools, and people are, er... getting sick. That's right. Everyone gets sick at some point in their lives from a cold, to a cough, or even worse. But did you know that not everyone has a chance to get better? A whopping 40 million people in the United States...
Kristin's picture
After years marked by stalemate and indecision, 2012 has delivered a glimmer of hope for families and the housing market. The Department of Justice kicked off the year with a historic settlement with Bank of America regarding predatory loans made by Countrywide before the Bank acquired the company...
Janis Bowdler's picture
Ah, the call of the ice cream truck. The minute he hears the music from a distance, my four year-old begins begging, “Can I have an ice cream?!” He tries every possible approach – when I say no, he corners his father, and has even resorted to asking a neighbor to buy one for him. Lessons from the...
Ashley Boyd's picture
If you’re a meat-eater, it’s better for your health and the planet to buy antibiotic-free meat and poultry. That might be tough to do, given that 80 percent of the antibiotics in use are fed to animals raised for food to keep them growing faster and to prevent them from getting sick in crowded and...
Margie Kelly's picture
Editor's Note: For live coverage of this speech, please see this C-Span clip . This week the U.S. Supreme Court declared the immigration policy of the state of Arizona, a policy that Mitt Romney has called a “model for America,” to be largely unconstitutional. I applaud the court for stating that...
Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez's picture
Excerpted from full piece at The Huffington Post Anne-Marie Slaughter's article " Why Women Still Can't Have it All" published in The Atlantic has struck a collective nerve, breaking readership records on the magazine's website and generating all manner of buzz. I admire her courage to speak out on...
Kyra Cavanaugh's picture
In April 2010, Arizona passed SB 1070, the first state law aimed at enforcing immigration laws in an effort to reduce the undocumented immigrant population. A federal district court enjoined the law one day before its implementation, and a final appeal reached the U.S. Supreme Court. Since the...
Wendy Cervantes's picture
40 million people in the United States don’t have access to a single paid sick day. In fact, nearly 80% of low wage workers and 40% of private sector workers don't have access to a single paid sick day. And this means that many people have little choice but to go to work sick--rather than staying...
Kristin's picture
As a fellow for New America Media , the country’s largest collaboration and advocate for 2,000 ethnic news media outlets, I was tasked with finding an immigrant woman to interview for a story. Oh boy. As I began searching, I was shocked to hear from so many documented immigrant women who were...
Elisa Batista's picture
No kid should know the word 'pre-existing condition.' As a result of the Affordable Care Act (aka "Health Reform" and "Obamacare"), five million children with pre-existing conditions will get--and keep--the health coverage they need. Michelle from Texas shared her story: My 8 year old son is a...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
