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I have thought a lot about what happened to/with me at the vigil at the NRA on March 14 —and how my story might help inform and move people. I’m offer here a little more detail for what I hope is a contribution to the issue of the price families pay for America’s approach to guns, which is oddly...
Louisa Davis's picture
Tomorrow the House of Representatives will vote on the Ryan Budget. It is devastating to women’s advancement and to programs that women want and need. It is the budget that women overwhelming voted against in the 2012 election with a decisive gender gap. HERvotes , with its 52 women’s organizations...
Eleanor Smeal's picture
To Whom It May Concern: I'm a single mother with two kids under 3, a full-time student, and working, so I don't have much time to write. But I have to tell whoever is willing to listen that the daycare subsidy I receive has saved my life. I'm able to go back to school to get the kind of job that...
Nan Mooney's picture
The phrase “Let them eat cake,” supposedly uttered by Marie Antoinette reflecting her obliviousness to the plight of the people, could be attributed to some members of Congress. Blind to the real hardships faced by millions of Americans and ignoring what the majority of voters in this country want...
Linda Meric's picture
It's not a horror movie. It's not a terrible dream. And it's not the punch line of an awful joke. This is real. And it's important. The 2014 national budget that Representative Paul Ryan just proposed, which the U.S. House is expected to vote on this week, is all cuts and no revenues . That's not...
Kristin's picture
The current proposed Ryan budget is another verse in a fiscal opera that brutally attacks social safety net programs, earned benefits and needed investments in a range of programs from education, health care, road, bridges, energy and science research and much more. The one category of spending...
Kathy Robinson's picture
This week, the House of Representatives is expected to vote on the fiscal year 2014 budget proposed by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI). Among other things, the proposal would Repeal the Affordable Care Act Drastically cut federal student aid by capping the maximum award amount and limiting eligibility for...
Riana Goren's picture
Let me tell you about Myrla. Myrla is a professional homecare worker. Her work allows her clients -- seniors and people with disabilities -- to live with dignity at home. Her hours are long and hard: Often Myrla works over 50 hours a week for less than minimum wage. She struggles to provide for her...
Ruth Martin's picture
Children can eat as much as half their daily calories while at school, making their food and beverage options during the day a huge factor in determining their health. Unfortunately, for some 30 years, our nation turned a blind eye to nutrition standards in schools, most notably the “competitive...
Jack Rayburn's picture
One thing about life with teens is that you never know what’s coming next. As moms, we know this takes patience, humor, flexibility and a bit of creativity. Just before ten last night, I was heading upstairs after a full day at work followed by a full evening at school watching skits on “How to...
Diana Donlon's picture
