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So, speaking (as I did in my previous post for MomsRising) of meaningless lip service politicians pay to how amazing women, mothers, and wives are, did you hear about the latest foot-in-the-mouth moment on the presidential campaign trail? (At least the particular foot in question was probably...
Kelly Singleton's picture
Food Day is a nationwide celebration and a movement toward more healthy, affordable, and sustainable food. Created by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), it is powered by a diverse coalition of food movement leaders, organizations, and people from all walks of life. Food Day takes...
Mike Jacobson's picture
Let’s talk about junk food. As cities around the country spark controversy by proposing trans-fat bans, as well as bans on large size sugary drinks, more and more people are talking about junk food, particularly how to tackle it. And this is a great time to have the conversation because kids are...
Kristin's picture
Data from the U.S. Census released this week revealed the sobering fact the gender wage gap is not closing; the 2011 data is not statistically different from the 2010 data. Last year, the median earnings of women who worked full time, year-round was 77 percent of that for men working full time,...
Liz O Donnell's picture
On this show, we’re talking about taking back the word “mom” in an empowered way. In the wake of the love fest for the word “mom” at both the Democratic National Convention and Republican National Convention, it’s time for us to get real about what the word “mom” really means in our nation. Because...
Kristin's picture
“’I am not very present in the rest of my life. My wife’s very patient. She does everything,’ he shares. ‘If I have time, I try to spend time with the kids, even if just to be a physical presence, the bath, whatever.’
CT Working Moms's picture
I am so mad right now I can barely sit down to type this. At this moment I’m home from work with a sick baby. She spiked a fever in the middle of the night, woke up crying and hot with a fever over 101 degrees. She can’t go to childcare today. I’m home with her, writing this while she naps (...
Ruth Martin's picture
Motherhood, apple pie and a good speech: Michelle Obama hit the bull's eye in her Democratic Convention speech . But naming herself "mom-in-chief"--while endearing--missed the mark. Much ink has spilled already over her use of the phrase "mom-in-chief": "If you feel let down by an arc that begins...
Nanette Fondas's picture
What is going on in Orange County, Florida? For anyone paying attention to the effort to establish an earned sick day standard in the Sunshine State, this is a legitimate question. The events of the past few days have been confusing at best – and, quite simply, they defy reason and threaten to...
National Partnership for Women and Families's picture
I was inspired to write this, my first blog post for MomsRising, after witnessing much of the last couple weeks of American Democracy in Action on TV: the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. It actually was rather entertaining—the total lack of objectivity from any pundits, regardless...
Kelly Singleton's picture
