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Cross posted on Help A Mother Out titled New Haven: Precious Little People Diapers, diapers, diapers. Is my baby crying because his diaper is full? Are the diapers the right size? Do the diapers need washing? Do I have enough diapers to see my child through the day? Of course, I have a four-week-...
Abigail E. Disney, along with co-creators Pamela Hogan and Gini Reticker, is Executive Producer of the five-part PBS series Women, War & Peace. Narrated by Matt Damon, Tilda Swinton, Geena Davis and Alfre Woodard, Women, War & Peace is the most comprehensive global media initiative ever...
Abigail Disney's picture
By Ronald E. Jackson, Executive Director, Citizens for Better Schools Here in Alabama and across the South, our public schools — and the children who attend them — are under continuous assault. Cuts in state funding, school closings and increases in school and class sizes are just some of the ways...
ACLU's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Last week’s policy briefings included one on the state of early education and child care programs in the U.S. The number of spots available across the country is nowhere near the number of...
Valerie Young's picture
MomsRising has been invited to the White House this coming Tuesday to share your experiences and questions about jobs and the economy. The President wants to hear from you! Are you in? *Click here to submit your questions--and share your experiences--about jobs and the economy for us to give to...
Kristin's picture
Editor's note : This was originally published at Role/Reboot. October is annual National Work & Family Month . Who knew? A 2003 U.S. Senate Resolution declared this to be the month of “encouraging workplaces to pause…and reflect on the progress already made on the journey to work-life...
Misty McLaughlin's picture
Would you believe me if I told you that we could take a big step to combating climate change simply by staying home from work? Rather, I should say, staying home and working. Call it “telecommuting.” Call it “virtual work.” Call it “working from home.” Call it “netWork.” I’m going to call it “...
joan's picture
I travel a lot these days meeting with teachers and support staff and principals and parents and the press and anyone anywhere who wants to join hands and make good things happen for kids. I was on my way to Wichita to speak at a conference and the nice man in the middle seat started a nice conversation.
Lily Eskelsen's picture
The Occupy Wall Street movement has been sweeping the globe and captivating the media this month. With the message “We are the 99%,” American protesters are drawing attention to the frustrating growth of income inequality in the United States. Here in New York, working families have joined the...
Phoebe Taubman's picture
For the past month we have been asking our Food Revolution Community to share, rate and compare photos of school lunches from across the world on our Food Revolution School Lunch Photo Wall. If you haven't already then why not visit your kids for lunch, snap a photo and upload it here. If you don't...
Jamie Oliver's picture
