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I received an email today from the Tahirih Justice Center , an outstanding non-profit organization dedicated to protecting immigrant women and girls fleeing violence, about critical upcoming legislation that every mom will care about. The International Violence Against Women Act (I-VAWA),...
Homa Tavangar's picture
Rigid foster care rules threaten to dissolve family ties when mothers are in prison or residential drug treatment. A new law in New York State takes steps to help these families weather the separation.
Rachel Roth's picture
Back in the day, when I was small, I remember waking up too early for TV to be on. I woke up too early for TV to be on. If you are under 20, you have no idea what I just said. My brothers and sisters would run downstairs in our jammies on a Saturday morning to watch cartoons, but TV didn’t come on until 6 am, so it was possible to wake up too early.
Lily Eskelsen's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ When it comes to making our world go 'round, women are doing most of the heavy lifting. We work more US jobs than men, and our income is the sole or significant support in more households...
Valerie Young's picture
Here are some nuggets from Netroots Nation: the Parents Caucus was well-attended with between 30 and 35 people. I have hosted the panel five years in a row, and this was one of the better attended caucuses, including more men and even a couple of vocal dads. It was thrilling. What did we discuss?...
Elisa Batista's picture
There is a universal measure. When faced with a problem, do what’s right for children. If you do what’s right for children, it’s the right solution.
Lily Eskelsen's picture
MomsRising, I am one of you- a loving mother deeply concerned about the world my children and theirs will inherit from us. That is the most important reason that I became a founding leader of Global Zero ( ) and consulted on our new must see film, Countdown to Zero. The film is a...
I’m going to a bloggers conference. My first. I am qualified because I write this blog. But maybe there’s something else that qualifies me. I write what matters to me. I represent 3.2 million educators in America’s public schools, colleges and universities. And when you represent people, you try to give voice to them.
Lily Eskelsen's picture
I attended a lively, well-attended and diverse -- meaning age, Latino background and allies -- Latino Caucus at the Netroots Nation Convention in Las Vegas today. The caucus was headed by Nicole Rivera, who is a field representative for U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and it did not disappoint. At...
Elisa Batista's picture
We were moms on a mission. We woke up at midnight Saturday morning to attempt the 14,411 ft summit of Mount Rainier. We had a message for Governor Gregoire: close Washington’s largest toxic polluter and point source of deadly carbon — the TransAlta coal-fired power plant in Centralia.
Genevieve Raymond's picture
