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We moms do our best to keep our families safe. But in light of recent safety news, I think we're going to go find Saddam Hussein's worm hole and take up residence there.
PunditMom's picture
When it comes to open, flexible work options such as those is working to achieve, the term "family-friendly" could more accurately be labeled "human-friendly." People in every conceivable living arrangement desire work that takes into account their individuality, their dreams, and their responsibilities outside of their jobs.
Carla Moquin's picture
Touring with a blonde, twenty-one year old Olympic Gold medalist can be hard on a woman’s ego. Especially if that woman is of a certain age and considers yoga a contact sport. (Sneeze, and you’ll blow me right into my 40th birthday and out of my hard-earned bird of paradise yoga position.)
By the time the next President is in the third year of his or her term, my teenagers will be eligible for the draft. Believe me, we're watching the candidates' closely when it comes to their views on war -- and arguing about them. If your family's anything like ours, you're probably talking campaign, election, and issues around the dinner table, too.
The candidates are all talking about Change (with a big "C"), and we applaud them for that because real families need real change. Now let's get the candidates talking about how exactly they're going to make those Changes.
Kristin's picture
Jessica DeGroot from The Third Path Institute and I have recently been discussing some of the factors that help dads get more involved with their families. Here's #1 on her list:
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a major step forward for equality in our country. It leveled the playing field for tens of thousands of workers and opened the door to new opportunities. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court’s Ledbetter decision has become a road block to the workplace equality that Congress intended to achieve with the Civil Rights Act more than 40 years ago.
U.S. Senator Patty Murray's picture
MomsRising members came out to the Republican and Democrat debates last week to show the strong support in California for healthcare for all kids. It was a terrific time -- and exciting for this staff person to get some face-to-face time with our fabulous members in CA! See below for notes from the field and pictures of our efforts!
Katie Bethell's picture
BETTER LIVING THROUGH CHEMISTRY? Frogs are a semi-aquatic variety of the proverbial canary in the coal mine. Frogs are visibly sensitive to pollutants in their environment. Hermaphrodite frogs, five legged frogs and dwarfed frogs are being correlated with man made chemicals that are polluting in...
joan's picture
