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At Tuesday night's #KeepMarching meeting, we dove deep into the history of police, the impact on our communities, and explored models and ideas for stronger communities and a defunded police. We learned, among other things, that divesting budget resources away from policing and reallocating those...
Gloria Pan's picture
The very first Pride was a riot against police violence, led by Black & Brown trans women. What does this mean for today's uprisings against police brutality and the overall fight for LGBTQ+ liberation? Tune into this Pride Month conversation happening TODAY at 10am PT/1pm ET, co-hosted by, Time's Up, and Equal Rights Advocates.
Sara Alcid's picture
MomsRising collects stories from our members all across the U.S. about how health policies are impacting families. Here is a powerful story about the need to make sure everyone has access to quality, affordable health care from a MomsRising volunteer in Florida. ---- Five years ago I developed...
Jessica Burroughs's picture
The pandemic and the economic crisis it has caused won’t magically disappear on July 31st. Working families like mine will continue to struggle for many months to come, and we need our lawmakers to step up and protect our economic security.
Karla Strickland's picture
MomsRising stands in solidarity with Black Lives Matter and today's statewide general strike and day of action for Black lives.[1] We are calling on you, our members, to join in solidarity as well by: Joining a local march or demonstration. We encourage you to seek out and support Black-led...
MomsRising's picture
ICYMI: Here are a few of the rising, favorite and important posts from the MomsRising community for the week ending June 12, 2020. Jump in — like, share and leave a comment. Enjoy! 1. BLOG: Quick Signature: Justice for Breonna Taylor! Demand that Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer fire and charge with...
Kerri Karvetski's picture
I never imagined working from home like this: full time with my two kids, twice a week with my two nieces, while my sister and husband risk their health as essential workers during a global pandemic. Yet, my child care experience pales in comparison to the anxiety and frustration of families with...
Alycia Hardy's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image that says "Resources For Talking About Race"]
George Floyd. Breonna Taylor. Ahmed Arbaury. We hear their names and their stories -- along with a tragic list of countless other names -- in the news and on social media, and we know it’s not just adults hearing and discussing this moment in our nation’s history. Our children at every age and...
MomsRising's picture
Take Action!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: An artistic image of Breonna Taylor that has the text "Say Her Name, Breonna Taylor" Image credit arielsinhaha. Used with artist's permission.]
UPDATE: Last week, thanks to the actions taken by people across the country -- including MomsRising supporters like you-- Louisville’s Metro Council voted unanimously to pass Breonna's Law. The bill was rightfully named in honor of Breonna Taylor, an award-winning EMT, essential worker, and...
Beatriz Beckford's picture
Last week, a man was murdered. He was murdered by the State, by those whose job it is to “protect and serve.” He was murdered because they suspected him of something. Anything. Everything. I watched that video play again and again. In it, I saw someone’s child, one who could have been my own. This...
Jamila Perritt's picture
