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There are literal lifesavers around us that we can’t see! Wondering what I’m talking about? I’m talking about Medicaid and SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or food stamps). They are there when we need them, saving lives and boosting our economy. They are proven programs that lift up...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
pregnant woman talking to her doctor
By: Alexandria Hill, MD Increasingly, women with cardiac disease are getting pregnant. We typically associate cardiac disease with people who have had a heart attack or open-heart surgery. But, as a physician and a cardiac patient myself, I think about the people born with heart abnormalities or...
SMFM's picture
“I am a low-income single mom struggling to make a better life for myself and my little boy. We receive SNAP benefits. My son goes to a public elementary school. He gets a free lunch. I am working hard and trying to use these benefits as a stepping-stone and I am close but I have not yet been able...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
A lot can change in twenty-five years. Kids grow up, parents grow older. Fashion, pop culture, and workplaces change. But what hasn’t changed is the need to be there for the people we love when they need us. Twenty-five years ago today, the Family and Medical Leave Act passed Congress. Providing 12...
BethM's picture
There's a lot going on this year, and we can't let our guard down around demanding healthy communities for our kids. Because {{ user.first_name|default:"Friend" }}: guess what? They're launching yet *another* attack on menu labeling. It's true. And your voice is needed to speak out *today*, before...
Karen Showalter's picture
As I listened to President Trump’s State of the Union Address waiting to hear even a kernel of hope for our country’s most vulnerable children I became more and more distressed and disgusted as these children’s needs were once again left behind along with the values of the America and all great...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
For a fun family-and-friends event, the Super Bowl sure generates a lot of controversy: the infamous "wardrobe malfunction" of 2004, Tom Brady's deflate-gate, and that scary, depressing Nationwide Insurance "dead kid" ad that had parents all over the country covering their kids' eyes. This year,...
Caroline Knorr's picture
On the Heels of the #Me Too Movement and Women’s March Anniversary, Women Offer Alternative Vision to Trump Agenda
MomsRising's picture
They FINALLY did it! Part of the Continuing Resolution (CR) that Congress passed last week continued funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for six years. MomsRising members submitted hundreds of letters to the editor, made thousands of phone calls, and sent tens of thousands of...
Felicia Burnett's picture
