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*** Want more information on raising multilingual children? Visit MomsRising's bilingual parenting resource site: Dr. Fabrice Jaumont is the Education Attaché at the Embassy of France in NYC. In that role, he has played an instrumental...
Diana Limongi's picture
By Alison Stuebe, MD Last week, Americans spent more than $23 billion on Mother’s Day gifts. On Sunday morning, moms woke up to jewelry, bouquets of flowers, and scattered crumbs between the sheets after so many breakfasts in bed. How was this different from any other second Sunday in May? This...
SMFM's picture
Note: This is a guest post by Aileen Passariello-McAleer, co-founder of MamaLingua for The BilingualRisers campaign. I was raised in a Spanish-speaking household. Although I heard Spanish throughout my childhood, I rarely responded in Spanish. I didn’t know how important my language was to me until...
Diana Limongi's picture
California friends, I wanted to make sure you heard the update! You might remember that the Governor’s original budget proposal in January reneged on millions of dollars in promised funding for early learning programs.Thousands of MomsRising members across California jumped into action and urged...
Donna Hoffman Cullinan's picture
For most immigrant parents, raising bilingual children is not a choice or a decision, it’s a way of life. Regardless of whether our native language is Spanish, Filipino, Korean, Chinese or French, we all want our children to be able to communicate in the language in which we were born and teach...
Maritere Rodriguez Bellas's picture
MomsRising has joined more than 500 elected officials and leaders in education, business, faith communities, law enforcement, and women’s safety in endorsing Washington Won’t Discriminate, the campaign to stop I-1552 and protect our transgender family, friends and neighbors from discrimination.
Casey Osborn-Hinman's picture
On the #RADIO show this week we cover Comey's firing and the Russia investigation; bad bills with good names and how to tell the difference; protecting access to healthy foods for kids; and why diversity makes us a stronger nation. *Special guests include: Kathryn Stoner, Center for Democracy,...
Kristin's picture
Antes de que mi primera hija naciera, cuando todavía no podía decidirme por un nombre, o el tipo de pañales que iba usar, había algo que sí tenia claro: ella iba a ser bilingüe. Ya que el español era mi idioma natal, yo creía que sería muy fácil. Sin embargo, pronto descubrí que eso no iba a ser...
linda's picture
Fun fact: Taking action on issues that really matter to families, our economy and our country can help you have a great week! Nothing is more inspiring than joining tens of thousands of other people in speaking out — and that's a feeling that lasts. Because together, we're a groundswell of parent...
Karen Showalter's picture
*** Want more information on raising multilingual children? Visit MomsRising's bilingual parenting resource site: As a mom, I’ve seen first-hand the advantages of dual language programs to the academic and social-emotional development...
Erin Okuno's picture
