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Brandon, a six-year-old in the Houston Independent School District, had two working parents until his father was laid off. Brandon lost his health insurance when his father lost his job. Brandon’s mother quickly scrambled to try to enroll her son who has asthma in new coverage, but met some...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
Frequent travel is part of my job. When still breastfeeding, I often flew to work with my breast pump and storage bags; flew home with my breast milk in coolers. During that 30 months, my dear pump and coolers have been to Los Angeles, Phoenix, Columbus, Austin, Taipei, and other cities with me...
To-wen Tseng's picture
"I know you would never bring a fellow woman and mother, who represents everything beautiful and miraculous about being a woman and mother, on to your show to attempt to drag her down on national television. Breasts are not ‘fun bags’."
Vanessa Simmons's picture
“Now I see that the journey was never meant to lead to some new and improved version of me; that it has always been about coming home to who I already am.” ― Katrina Kenison, Magical Journey: An Apprenticeship in Contentment I was elated last week to turn 50. My husband makes fun of me. He says I'm...
Renee Trudeau's picture
Let's make watching the State of the Union fun! Play #SOTU BINGO with us to help track whether or not the issues of greatest concern to women, moms, and families are covered in the speech. And you can keep an eye out for those fun moments, too-- there are squares for jokes, for who's standing and...
Anita's picture
We have big news from MAZON ! MAZON been called to testify before Congress as an expert witness on the too-often ignored topic of hunger among military and veteran families. Who : Abby J. Leibman, MAZON President & CEO; and Erika Tebbens, a former military spouse who struggled with food...
Abby Leibman's picture
On the last day of the legislative session, New Jersey lawmakers enacted a measure to limit the use of restraints on women during labor and childbirth. The Assembly voted 75-0, following a 39-0 vote in the Senate earlier in the year. It is now up to Governor Chris Christie to decide whether to sign...
Rachel Roth's picture
Author's Note: Although this chat ended you can click to read the January 8, 2016 #FoodFri STORIFY - a curated list of said chat's tweets compiled into a story format, to learn more about the topic, review chat resources and engage with chat panelist(s) and participants . How are you doing on your...
Migdalia Rivera's picture
My name is Carmen Rodriguez, and I’m originally from the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. I came to the United States with thousands of other immigrants searching for a better life. I’ve lived in North Carolina for 13 years as the undocumented mother of three US citizens, including two boys who play in Raleigh youth soccer leagues, and my daughter who is a competitive cheerleader.
Carmen Rodriguez's picture
“Every single year, more than 30,000 Americans have their lives cut short by guns—30,000. Suicides. Domestic violence. Gang shootouts. Accidents. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have lost brothers and sisters, or buried their own children. Many have had to learn to live with a disability, or...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
