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Deep breath. Count to 10. Can't. Believe. He. Really. Said. That. Yesterday at a Washington Post event , Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant (R) said that America is so "mediocre" in educational outcomes because "mom is in the workplace." ... oh REALLY?! There is steam coming out of the ears of moms...
Kristin's picture
Steve Tobak, a Silicon Valley consultant, reassured his Fox Business audience that “ The Gender Pay Gap is a Myth ,” recycling a 2009 report commissioned by the Bush Department of Labor arguing that women’s choices, not discrimination, account for the wage gap between men and women. Next week is...
Joan C. Williams's picture
I’ve got great news. After thousands of California parents called on the California legislature to protect effective services for children with autism a few weeks ago, our legislators took action! The latest budget proposal coming from the California Senate includes $50 million to ensure that...
Ashley Boyd's picture
By Mie Lewis, Staff Attorney for the ACLU Women’s Rights Project This week, an Ohio federal jury awarded Christa Dias $171,000 after she was fired from her part-time teaching jobs at two religious schools. Dias had alleged that she was fired for becoming pregnant while unmarried. In response, the...
ACLU's picture
Those smart and savvy moms at A Better Balance have written a book that will be your “go to guide” for workplace policies relevant to your pregnancy, maternity leave, and working life as a parent. Dina Bakst, Phoebe Taubman and Elizabeth Gedmark are the authors of Babygate: What You Really Need To...
Valerie Young's picture
Messing it up and Doing it Anyway! Posted by Zen Honeycutt 428GS on June 04, 2013 · Flag · Add your reaction I am willing to mess up. I am committed to being effective, but what I have realized is that being a leader means you have to be willing to mess up and just do it...
Earlier today, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued Vital Signs , a monthly report that highlights important health issues. This month’s report is on listeria monocytogenes – the third leading cause of death from food poisoning. Adults over 65 and people with weakened immune...
Barbara Kowalcyk's picture
They took it too far this time. Did you hear what the all male panel (yes, a n ALL male panel! ) on Fox News said about working moms?! " Society dissolv[ing] around us ," said Lou Dobbs . A sign of " something going terribly wrong in American society, " said Juan Williams . Erick Erickson chimed in...
Kristin's picture
How many employed American mothers work more than 50 hours a week? Go on, guess. I've been asking lots of people that question lately. Most guess around 50 percent. The truth is nine percent. Nine percent of working moms clock more than 50 hours a week during the key years of career advancement:...
Joan C. Williams's picture
By Galen Sherwin, Senior Staff Attorney, ACLU Women’s Rights Project When Donnicia Venters disclosed to her manager as she was preparing to return to work after her maternity leave that she was breastfeeding and would need a place to pump breast milk, she was met with silence. And then told that...
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