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Tomorrow, April 11th, the It’s Our Healthcare Coalition will hold a press event in Los Angeles to tell Governor Jerry Brown that we need him to expand Medi-Cal as quickly and as fully as possible. The event, which will feature local officials, health practitioners and consumers, is scheduled for 10...
Cary Sanders's picture
Co-written by Katherine Ullman. It’s been a rough couple of weeks for women in STEM. Most shockingly, Adria Richards , former developer evangelist at SendGrid, was fired after she publicly reported two men (one of whom was also fired) for making lewd jokes in earshot at a PyCon Conference. Richards...
Joan C. Williams's picture
All right. I read it. The book that everyone, including my hero, Jon Stewart , has been talking about. So many reviews have been written about this book, that people have resorted to writing reviews of the reviews . The hype has been so incredibly, hyper—The Time story ! The 60 Minutes piece ! The...
Katrina Alcorn's picture
Within the current debate on immigration reform, an organized movement of women’s voices has emerged to uplift the significance of women to our economy, democracy and communities. As an immigrant woman, whose personal and professional experiences are deeply informed by immigration, I believe...
Sayu Bhojwani's picture
This article originally appeared in the Latina Lista blog. LatinaLista — Over the years in covering the immigration issue, if there is one thing that I’ve noticed, it’s that immigration is discussed by policymakers and politicians in a very sexist manner. It wasn’t until the mid-2000s that they,...
Marisa Trevino's picture
Remember that scene in Back to the Future when Marty McFly discovers that he and his siblings are fading out of a family photograph? That’s the exact feeling I have when I follow the news about immigration policy reform efforts that would eliminate family visas. First, let’s flash back, like Marty...
Miriam Yeung's picture
Photo caption: A farmworker woman picking grapes. Many farmworker women cover their faces to protect themselves from pesticides while they work. Farmworker women also use bandanas on the job to cover their faces and bodies in an attempt to ward off unwanted sexual attention that often leads to rape...
Valentina Stackl's picture
As a Catholic, my commitment to justice and dignity for immigrant women is rooted not only in Scripture, but also in experience. My church, the Shrine of the Sacred Heart in Washington, DC, holds Masses in English, Spanish, Vietnamese and Haitian Creole. Women from diverse walks of life are the...
Jessica Barba Brown's picture
This article originally appeared in Colorlines and was re-published here with the author's permission. If you’ve been following the current debate and news coverage, you probably think that immigration reform is mainly about men—the undocumented males scaling border walls, working in agriculture,...
Pramila Jayapal's picture
A few weeks ago, almost 400 women from across the country headed to Capitol Hill as part of their participation in the National Council of Jewish Women’s (NCJW) policy conference. And in more than 150 visits, comprehensive immigration reform was one of the key issues discussed with congressional...
Madeline Shepherd's picture
