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Sheryl Sandberg is telling women to “lean in.” She's encouraging us to strive for bigger and better jobs. She's telling us to resist “leaving before we leave” in anticipation of having families. Through her “lean in circles,” women will have opportunities to share success stories about how leaning...
Liz Watson's picture
Knoxville, Tennessee...McAllen, Texas...Little Rock, Arkansas...Albuquerque, New Mexico...Los Angeles, California. Besides L.A., many of these southern U.S. cities wouldn’t normally be considered the center of a green tech revolution. Yet, they are, and are also employing large numbers of Latinos...
Elisa Batista's picture
On February 12th, the Senate passed S. 47, a bill that reauthorizes the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) by a 78-22 margin. VAWA is our nation’s response to domestic and sexual violence and provides the greatest source of programming and funding for survivors of domestic and sexual violence in the...
Sharon Stapel's picture
On January 21, 2013, the National Mall in Washington DC was packed with thousands of eager people who witnessed President Barack Obama get sworn in for his second term. During his speech, President Obama reminded us of our “vow to move forward together” on the challenges we face together as a...
It is ironic that the month of March, established by the U.S. Congress, in 1987, as “Women’s Month of History”, may this year be remembered as the month in which the U.S. House of Representatives failed to reauthorize one of the most powerful legal tools for the protection of ALL women against...
M. DeLois Strum's picture
Long before my day-to-day professional life involved advocating for the Violence Against Women Act – and before I even knew that VAWA existed – I believed in the importance of this bill. As a college student, I volunteered at a transitional housing program for survivors of domestic violence and...
Shaina Goodman's picture
"Are you or your children in a life-threatening situation? Are you in immediate danger? Does your abuser have access to weapons or guns of any kind?" These are the very first questions to be asked when a victim of violence walks through the door of a YWCA. The safety of an abused woman is our...
Dara Richardson-Heron's picture
In a year where we have seen much progress from the White House and from the Department of Justice in addressing the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) survivors of violence, there is one national body that has failed to act. The 112th Congress has left much undone and...
Sharon Stapel's picture
Space is limited! Register in advance for your free ticket here - > Over the past couple of years I have attended multiple conferences addressing the various connections between food, health & culture. I've gained so much as both a featured...
Ola Ronke's picture
Organizations working to make the world a better place have strong ambitions. They want to reduce gun violence in the wake of Sandy Hook, get Americans off the couch and active, and keep children safe from climate change. These groups need to wield influence to succeed—not in a Machiavellian way...
Kristen Grimm's picture
