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From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ One factor limiting women's economic security is the approach to part-time work in the US. It has the reputation of being poorly paid (true), mostly done by students, (false), and performed...
Valerie Young's picture
Last night was the memorial for nine-year-old Christina Taylor Green and the other victims of the January 8th tragedy, which killed six and left Rep. Gabrielle Giffords fighting for her life. I'm still stunned with sadness by the horrible events of last Saturday. As the mother of two children, one...
Kristin's picture
I'm only human despite being a self-proclaimed work life pundit. Fess-up time. My life has been less about the work life merge, and more about life and survival lately.
While the tragic shooting of Congresswoman Giffords has postponed the vote to repeal health care reform, we still expect the vote to happen within the next few weeks. We need your help to educate the public and Congress. The fact of the matter is repealing the new health care law known as the...
Donna's picture
Our current epidemic of mass shootings is but a symptom of our nation’s broken health care system.
Dora Calott Wang's picture
Amidst tragedy in Arizona and a recent assassination in Pakistan days earlier I was moved to write from a deeper place, to share my spiritual perspective. It feels ironic to share these thoughts on 1/11/11 - a day of oneness - but perhaps it points to the fact that our world possesses much more...
Homa Tavangar's picture
Kyra Cavanaugh, president of Life Meets Work , responds to Flex Time Flourishes in the Accounting Industry , published January 7, 2011 in the New York Times. She challenges the piece which seems to hold forth the notion that major accounting firms have mastered work/life issues, and the idea that...
Kyra Cavanaugh's picture
While Washington fusses and grandstands about health care reform, we as individuals can vote with our actions and dollars. In America’s free market economy, our collective choices will significantly impact the nation’s health care system. Here are five actions each of us can take today, thanks to...
Dora Calott Wang's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ The ladies and gentlemen of 112th US Congress have been sworn in. Do you know how many of them look like you? How many share your experiences and convictions? Do you trust them to make...
Valerie Young's picture
Question: Last year, for the first time, I was able to afford health insurance. When I ended up in the hospital, I thought that my health plan would cover all of the care I needed. But, it turned out that I still had huge bills from my stay because my plan has an “annual limit.” Will health reform...
