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Pride Month
Five Amazing LGBTQ+ Books for Teens!

Five Amazing LGBTQ+ Books for Teens

June 13, 2024
Publishers, over the last decade, have increasingly invested in LGBTQ books for teens. There are so many stories out there now, and so many good ones. Choosing only five was almost impossible, until I decided to go with a few older books that have really stuck with me. So, here are five young LGBTQ books that live rent-free in my head and in my heart.
Desiree Peterson's picture
Pride Month
A white girl standing at a podium that says #LetKidsPlay with a blue sky capitol dome in the background

Gender Justice in Sports Cannot Succeed Without Trans Women and Girls

June 25, 2024
Trans women and girls belong at the very heart of the gender justice and women’s rights movement. As a women’s rights advocate, I am all in for fighting for trans and non-binary people to be able to thrive, exist in peace, and experience the rights we all should get to enjoy, including in sports...
Shiwali Patel's picture
Pride Month

LGBTQ+ Families Fought and Won in Washington this Year

June 25, 2024
Happy Pride from the other Washington - or as we like to say, the better Washington. Washington State may be a small corner of the country, but the MomsRising community here is a mighty force for change. This Pride month, we’re celebrating two big wins that the Risers championed in the 2024 state...
Maggie Humphreys's picture
Pride Month
5 Picture Books to Help Parents Introduce LGBTQ Topics with Their Kids

Five Picture Books to Help Parents Introduce LGBTQ Topics with Their Kids

June 10, 2024
"My Shadow is Pink" by Scott Stuart is about a little boy who likes things he "isn't supposed" to like, like dressing up and princesses. But his dad shows him that everyone has a shadow they sometimes want to hide, and that it's okay to like what we like.
Desiree Peterson's picture
Pride Month
A person with short dark hair and medium skin contemplates their reflection in a mirror

I'm an adolescent mental health provider, here's what happens when a kid tells me they're trans

June 6, 2024
Sometimes I know before the first appointment. A parent may have been the one to reach out, to answer the question when I ask, “So, tell me what’s going on.” Maybe this is a family where the parents have already wondered about their child’s sexual orientation or gender identity (or both!). Perhaps the kid has already come out, to themselves, at school, at home, or nowhere. Sometimes it’s not on anyone’s radar - and anxiety, depression, trouble focusing, or other struggles are front and center.
Alexis Bleich's picture
A graphic with a heart made of fruits and vegetables with the title "Summer EBT 101: Instagram Live"

Summer EBT 101: Instagram Live Debrief!

June 10, 2024
What is the Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) program (also known as SUN Bucks) and who qualifies for it? I had the pleasure of speaking with Kelsey Boone, the Senior Child Nutrition Policy Analyst at FRAC , on all things Summer EBT and how you can access this nutrition assistance program...
Hanna's picture
Pride Month
A group of teenagers of various ethnicities and genders smiles at the camera

The alchemy of gender

June 18, 2024
I'm an adolescent mental health provider, and I’d like to share an exercise with you. If you’re cisgender and heterosexual, take a moment and see if you can imagine the idea of being gay in your mind. If you’re cisgender and gay, see if you can imagine the idea of being straight in your mind. Could you do it?
Alexis Bleich's picture