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Childcare & Early Education

Single Mothers, Double Standard

April 30, 2013
A lot of press about single mothers seemed to surface recently. I’m not sure why. It’s on my radio (NPR, Tell Me More ) and in my morning paper ( The Difference Between Feeling Like a Single Mom and Being One , WashPost, 4/18,2013). Whatever it used to mean, as an identifier “single mother” it is...
Valerie Young's picture

Useless Baggage

April 28, 2013
They’ve hit a new low. Citing significant concerns about long lines at airports and flight delays caused by the furlough of air-traffic controllers, Congress is allowing the Federal Aviation Administration to override strict sequestration rules and re-direct funds within its budget. And they did so...
Jo Comerford's picture

Federal income taxes: “They don’t take them to be mean.”

April 2, 2013
A few weeks ago I spent the morning at Jackson Street Elementary School in Northampton, Massachusetts. My daughter is enrolled at Jackson Street in Jen Reed’s Kindergarten class, where I’ve – happily – volunteered in the past. But during this last visit I was with the “big kids” – the fifth graders...
Jo Comerford's picture

Rep. Matsui Speaks with a Working Mother on the Importance of Child Care Options

March 28, 2013
As a vice-chair of the Congressional Caucus for Women’s issues, one of Congresswoman Doris Matsui’s (CA-06) top priorities is affordable, reliable childcare. In this video, Congresswoman Matsui speaks with Michelle, a Sacramento resident who has two young children, on the challenges and...
Congresswoman Doris Matsui's picture

Congresswomen Hold Press Conference on How the Ryan Budget Would Impact Women

March 20, 2013
Yesterday I had the opportunity to take part in a press conference held by several Congresswomen on what the budget proposed by House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) would do to women and their families (that’s me standing in front of the flag!). We’ve previously highlighted the ways the Ryan...
Katherine Gallagher Robbins's picture

Why I Like Paul Ryan, But Not His Budget

March 20, 2013
Years ago, I attended an event on economic policy where now-Chairman of the House Budget Committee, Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI), was speaking. After the event, I introduced myself to him and shared that I was a former Hill staffer. I told him that, while I disagreed with nearly everything he...
Randi Schmidt's picture

A Single Mother With a Childcare Subsidy Writes to Paul Ryan

March 19, 2013
To Whom It May Concern: I'm a single mother with two kids under 3, a full-time student, and working, so I don't have much time to write. But I have to tell whoever is willing to listen that the daycare subsidy I receive has saved my life. I'm able to go back to school to get the kind of job that...
Nan Mooney's picture

This Is Not a Joke.

March 19, 2013
It's not a horror movie. It's not a terrible dream. And it's not the punch line of an awful joke. This is real. And it's important. The 2014 national budget that Representative Paul Ryan just proposed, which the U.S. House is expected to vote on this week, is all cuts and no revenues . That's not...
Kristin's picture

Washington’s New Governor Reappoints Early Learning Chief, Endorses Early Learning

March 14, 2013
Gov. Jay Inslee reappointed Dr. Bette Hyde to lead Washington’s Department of Early Learning during the next four years, a critical period when the state will work to ensure that its early learning systems continue to grow and are sustainable. The new governor had been moving through his...
Paul Nyhan's picture

Work, Life and Responsibility

March 12, 2013
I have been following the deluge of blog posts, tweets, etc., which followed the publication of Anne-Marie Slaughter’s Atlantic article on “Having it All” . I gave my own response on “Having a life” in my blog , and also tweeted my take, which led her to quote me in her response. The overall...
Terri E. Givens's picture
