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Gun Safety

It's #SOTU #CareCantWait Bingo Time!!!

March 6, 2024
Join us for #CareCantWait #SOTU BINGO at 9pmET/6pmPT on Thursday, March 7! Get your card, check off important victories for the care movement as President Joe Biden speaks, and celebrate as policies that are important to us make it onto center stage during the State of the Union! Download your...
MomsRising's picture

¡Es hora de jugar a la Lotería del Estado de la Unión!

March 6, 2024
¡Únete a nosotros para jugar Lotería durante el Estado de la Unión a las 9pmET/6pmPT el jueves 7 de marzo! Consigue tu cartón, marca las importantes victorias para el movimiento de cuidado mientras el presidente Joe Biden habla, ¡y celebra cuando las políticas que son importantes para nosotros...
linda's picture

Breaking Through: Care In Action, Bans Off Our Bodies, Stop Gun Violence Now, Moms In Music

March 4, 2024
On the radio show this week we cover what’s happening (already!) with care policies and the upcoming November 2024 elections; how IVF, birth control, and abortion are all under attack and how we can protect our rights; the latest with gun violence prevention from the White House; and the power of moms in music.
MomsRising's picture

¡Pide al Congreso que muestre amor por las familias en este Día de San Valentín!

January 24, 2024
En este San Valentín, le decimos al Congreso: "No rompan nuestros corazones. ¡Aprueben políticas que las familias amen!" Así es, ya es hora de que el Congreso muestre su amor por nuestras familias y apruebe políticas que sean más dulces que una caja de chocolates, políticas que beneficien a los...
linda's picture

2023 Wrapped: Our Top Ten Wins show the power of MOMS!

December 20, 2023
Our Top Ten Wins of 2023 are wrapped, mapped, and ready to show the power of MOMS! You can read the full list of our 2023 top ten wins together with you below. Spotify Graphic 1 New 1.jpg All told, against weighty odds, we were able to win big legislative battles, move mom voters, shift the...
Kristin's picture

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: Friday, November 3, 2023

November 3, 2023
Scary Halloween: Comprehensive gun policy reform NOW, starting with a ban on assault weapons and high-cap magazines! Over Halloween weekend, a series of mass shootings across the country left at least 11 people dead and 76 others injured - and last week, headlines were captured by the tragedy in...
Sue Anne Reed's picture

Halloween time should not be scary like this - sign now!

October 31, 2023
We are heartsick for the many victims, families, and communities impacted by this latest rash of gun violence, and we are furious at our elected leaders who are utterly failing to take serious action in curbing our national gun violence epidemic.
Gloria Pan's picture

The Women's Convention 2023 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

October 23, 2023
What a powerful three days of convening with other women, moms, and allies at the Women's Convention 2023 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin! Milwaukee is set to be a vital battleground in the 2024 presidential election, and our on-the-ground presence can be a game-changer. Together, we can shape the future...
Jenny Byer's picture

QUICK SIGNATURE to save a violence prevention program in Greensboro that works!

July 13, 2023
The epidemic of gun violence impacts all of our communities, including Greensboro. Fortunately, though, Greensboro has found a solution that works in the form of the Gate City Coalition (GCC), an evidence-based community violence intervention program. Despite the Gate City Coalition’s success in this community, its funding is in danger of being eliminated. ACT NOW to save all of the funding, which is keeping people alive and promoting resilience in Greensboro!
Jessica Burroughs's picture

June 2023 #KeepMarching Meeting: The Hidden History of the Second Amendment

June 14, 2023
During June's #KeepMarching meeting, we dove deep into the hidden history of the Second Amendment. We are very grateful to Michelle Ozumba; President of the Jeannette Rankin Foundation, for moderating the conversation; Mary Anne Franks, American legal scholar, activist, and media commentator, and...
Joy Ikekhua's picture
