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'Wake Me Up' Video: Reflections from 2013

January 14, 2014
This blog post originally appeared in the Huffington Post . Chances are you've heard "Wake Me Up." It was a hit song worldwide last year by Aloe Blacc and remixed by Avicii . But have you checked out the emotionally powerful acoustic version of the music video ? Here it is: The video puts on...
Elisa Batista's picture

Outrageous: ICE Admits to Detaining Pregnant Women

January 8, 2014
Fusion , a venture between Univisión and ABC News, conducted an investigation and found that U.S. Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) has detained at least 13 pregnant women in one detention facility in Texas. Fusion also published a statement by ICE acknowledging that one of the women "in fact...
Elisa Batista's picture

Jesús Huerta's Mom Deserves An Answer

December 23, 2013
“Durham should be a harm-free zone. Durham should be a safe place for all children.” So said Durham mom Omisade Burney-Scott to CBS-affiliate WRAL in response to the death of a teenager, Jesús Huerta, who was shot and killed while sitting in the back of a police car on November 19th. Jesús’s family...
BethM's picture

Let's Back These Kids Up!

December 5, 2013
Three weeks ago, my children wrote letters to Congress asking them to keep families together as part of a campaign highlighting the consequences of our outdated immigration policies. Currently, 5.5 million U.S.-born children in mixed status homes run the risk of being separated from one or both...
Elisa Batista's picture

La Ley del Cuidado de Salud a Bajo Precio / Obamacare: ¿Qué hay en esta ley para las familias inmigrantes?

November 26, 2013
To read this article in English, click here . "¿Si los padres tratan de inscribir a su hijo en un plan de seguro médico, se les solicitará documentos de inmigración?" “¿Existen opciones para el cuidado de mi salud como un adulto inmigrante?” Al momento del lanzamiento del mercado para el seguro de...
Elisa Batista's picture

Advocates Fasting for Families Embody the Strength and Determination of the Immigration Reform Movement

November 21, 2013
Over the past year, the calls for action on immigration reform have been loud and unwavering. Activists have been arrested for staging sit-ins at their congressional representatives’ offices , DREAMers and their families have risked deportation to bring attention to the cause, and thousands have...
Janet Murguia's picture

The Affordable Care Act / Obamacare: What’s in it for Immigrant Families?

November 21, 2013
Para leer este artículo en español, haga clic aquí . “Will parents be asked for immigration documents if they try to enroll their child in a health insurance plan?” “Are there healthcare options for me as an adult immigrant?” At the time of the launch of the health insurance marketplace in early...
Elisa Batista's picture

My Kids Participated in “A Wish for the Holidays” – Here’s How Yours Can, Too

November 12, 2013
Like every other parent out there, the winter holidays are crazy for my husband and me. Holiday shopping, the squirreling away of gifts, meals and decorations occur on top of full-time jobs and a household that includes two children. But the holidays are also a time of sit-down meals and moments of...
Elisa Batista's picture

Passing Immigration Reform Would Be a Boost to Our Local Economy

November 1, 2013
As a mother, grandmother and small business owner in Porterville, California, I can say for sure that each day the U.S. House of Representatives fails to act on immigration reform is a lost opportunity for our community. This negligence is mostly felt by women and children who make up two-thirds of...
Alicia Delagarza's picture

LATISM '13 (Video and Pics Included!)

October 23, 2013
Photo below from left to right: me; Sylvia Aguilera, director of government relations for McDonald's Corporation; Jes Sofia Valle, CEO of the Bloggers of Health network; Ana Roca Castro, founder of LATISM, education tech developer and CEO of Plaza Familia ; and Laurita Tellado, the force behind the...
Elisa Batista's picture
