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#Radio This Week: Never Stop Speaking Out

June 13, 2016
On this radio show we cover the U.S. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan's “Poverty Plan” and what it’d really do; discuss mom shaming; cover the #FreeJasmine campaign where a Black woman protestor has been convicted of "lynching"; and uncover what you can do to help make high quality childcare more...
Kristin's picture

#Radio This Week: BOOM! Elections, summer, dessert and more!

June 3, 2016
On the #radio show this week, we cover favorite desserts and policy; fact checking Trump; raising the federal minimum wage for tipped workers up from $2.13 per hour; and how to get kids access to healthy foods in the summer. *Joanna Blotner, DC Paid Family Leave - @DCPaidLeave; Ashley Boyd,...
Kristin's picture

#Radio This Week: Democracy Still Works!

May 30, 2016
On this radio show we celebrate a big victory for democracy with the new update of national overtime rules; and then we move to hearing about a national PSA campaign on keeping immigrant families together. Next up on the show we get the latest news on where justice stands in the Baltimore police...
Kristin's picture

What’s Really Going On In America

May 23, 2016
On this #RADIO show we feature one of the top pollsters in the nation sharing what’s really going on right now in our nation, then we hear from a noted CNN commentator and author about her take on the battle between Bernie and Hillary. The show then moves to hear about the #AskTheMayor campaign...
Kristin's picture

#Radio This Week: Signs O' the Times

April 25, 2016
On this radio show this week we cover the impact of the Zika virus and the opioid epidemic with the U.S. Surgeon General; discuss the passing of Prince and a terrific new book, How Exceptional Black Women Lead; cover tips for stopping discrimination against pregnant workers in the workplace; and...
Kristin's picture

#Radio This Week: The Fight Is On!

April 18, 2016
On this show we cover the growing momentum to end mass incarceration and move forward criminal justice reform; then we move on to discuss the recent debates and who said what and how. The next segments covers the top things to eliminate from your diet to be healthier and how to build a culture of...
Kristin's picture

#Radio This Week: Antics in Politics!

April 5, 2016
We start out the show untangling the Presidential Primary, then move to hearing about the horrible new law passed in North Carolina and what you can do to help fix it. Next we cover the real, modern family story in our nation; and we close the show with an important conversation about drug policy...
Kristin's picture

#Radio This Week: Moving Mountains!

March 28, 2016
On this show we cover GenderAvengers, getting parity in the media; Jim Wallis' new book, America's Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge to a New America ; Kit DesLauriers’ new book, Higher Love: Skiing The 7 Summit; and how to combat domestic violence. *Special guests include: Gina...
Kristin's picture

#Radio This Week: Love, Divorce, and Trump

March 21, 2016
The radio show this week starts out discussing love, divorce, Trump and authoritarianism; moves on to discuss all of the “should” that come with motherhood and why that’s gotta change; then we hear about the power of Latina bloggers and how you can get involved; and we close the show talking about...
Kristin's picture

#Radio This Week: Get in #Formation!

February 16, 2016
The radio show this week covers Beyonce, #BlackLivesMatter, and what pop culture does/doesn't do to move us forward; hears the inside scoop on the Presidential election from the Granite State; discusses the power of humor, red pumps and of using pop culture for change; and finds out why people are...
Kristin's picture
