[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Child sits on concrete steps, holds a MomsRising sign that says "Keep families together."]
We are in a moment of crisis and national outrage over the treatment of families separated at our border by order of the Trump Administration. At this very moment, communities are coming together to speak out against the cruel and inhumane actions against families seeking refuge. And at this very moment, no matter where you are, there are actions YOU can take that will help!
We’ve listed below the top actions you can take immediately to make a difference. Please share this post widely!
Who are the families coming to the U.S. borders? So many of these are families seeking asylum for the safety of their children — which is a right protected by both U.S. and international law.
No parent wants to disrupt their child’s life by taking them from home, friends, and family. For many, seeking asylum is an act of desperation to protect a child from violence.
It's the most basic instinct in the world for a parent to seek safety for their children. Generations of immigrants have come to America fleeing war, persecution, and famine. Parents shouldn’t be treated with such cruelty for seeking asylum for their families. In fact, the U.N. Human Rights office is so concerned about about the Trump administration policy that they have called on the administration to "immediately halt" the intentional separations of children and families.
In these incredibly challenging times, we need you to take action NOW, more than ever. Here’s how:
*Children’s Lives Are On The Line! Protect Children, Women, and Families AND STOP Family Separation!
AND THIS ONE IN SPANISH: Dile al DHS y al Congreso: ¡Separar a los niños de sus padres es cruel e inhumano!
Why do petitions matter? Petitions present the emotions and demands of large groups to politicians succinctly and effectively. We want the Trump administration and our elected leaders know that moms and families across America are vehemently opposed to the policy of separating children and families. With petitions, people come together to raise one collective voice, and that voice is amplified with each signature. These petitions also let the online community – including asylum seekers, immigrants, refugees, and other people living in fear of family separation by ICE – know that there are thousands of people who are standing together with them.
* BONUS: Join our Spanish language action arm, MamasConPoder: https://action.momsrising.org/signup/Informado/
Photo Credit: Agatha Bacelar
Your elected officials represent and work for you. Let them know that you believe #FamilesBelongTogether, and that they need to take action now! Call the Capitol at (855) 440-1800-- we'll connect you to your member of Congress, and then you can say something like:
“I am very upset that our government is separating children from their parents at the border. I ask you to stand up against this cruel policy, stop funding it, and demand that the administration ends this policy right away.”
Many cities and states have local organizations that provide legal support to immigrants, especially those seeking asylum and who are impacted by the family separation policy. Do an online search for “free legal help for immigrants in (your state)” to discover your local organizations, and donate and volunteer to support their efforts.
Family separation doesn’t just happen at the border, so you can find organizations you can support in your state.
You can also attend one of the many of events across the country happening today. See what’s close to you! Click here at the Families Belong Together website: http://map.familiesbelong.org/search.php
We need all voices coming together at every level to ensure that our leaders know that family separation must stop! Speaking out in our own communities at the local level is incredibly important. Here’s one easy way that makes a BIG impact: Write a letter to the editor to your local paper!
We make it easy-- we will find your local paper and provide you with talking points and guidelines. Just click here to start-- it takes about five minutes or less! Click here: https://action.momsrising.org/lte/LTE_protectfamilies/
Amplifying the conversation online is crucial as well! Share your support for immigrant families on Twitter and other social networks by using the hashtag #FamiliesBelongTogether.
Here are sample posts you can share on Twitter, Facebook, and wherever you gather online with family and friends:
- Forcibly taking children away from their parents?! This seems too cruel to be real, but this is exactly what the Trump administration is doing to immigrant families at the border. #FamiliesBelongTogether! SIGN: https://action.momsrising.org/sign/Stop_family_separation_june/
- Separating young children is unspeakably cruel and inhumane. This is not who we aspire to be as a nation. SIGN: https://action.momsrising.org/sign/Stop_family_separation_june/ #FamiliesBelongTogether
- Welcoming immigrants is a fundamental strength of our country. Asylum-seekers deserve compassion, dignity, respect. The heartless treatment of refugee moms & children must end. #FamiliesBelongTogether! SIGN: https://action.momsrising.org/sign/Stop_family_separation_june/
Please let us know in the comments what you’re doing to speak out, whether it’s sharing this post, attending an event in your community, writing your own blogpost, talking with your friends and family. Every action helps and ideas for further actions are welcomed! THANK YOU!
BONUS: Can you donate to support this work? Every donation helps us stand up for women, kids, and families: https://action.momsrising.org/donate/defend/
We are now a country where a breastfeeding mother can have her baby torn out of her arms and whisked away by the government and disappear, just because she dared flee violence and seek asylum at our borders. This is every mother's nightmare, and an affront to decency and our country's values. The surest way to fight such immoral policies as family separation is to make sure the will of mothers and family members is expressed through our electoral process. Please donate now to support this work: https://action.momsrising.org/donate/defend/.
*UPDATED: More ways you can help: https://www.momsrising.org/blog/how-you-can-work-to-end-family-separation-right-now
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