Dr. Conor P. Williams is a fellow at The Century Foundation, where he writes about education, immigration, early education, school choice, and work-life balance challenges for American families. He is an expert on American educational inequity, English learner students, dual immersion programs, urban education reform, and the history of progressivism. Williams is a member of the Children’s Equity Project and the National Conference of State Legislatures’ State Policy and Research for Early Education (SPREE) Working Group. Williams began his career as a first grade teacher in Brooklyn, New York, and has two children enrolled in a public elementary school in Washington, D.C.
Dr. Conor P. Williams
Blog Post List
August 5, 2020
By now, we all know that the coronavirus presents schools with unprecedented challenges. Most K–12 campuses across the country closed in the spring—and scrambled to continue their work in a different setting. The pace of the crisis left the country’s public education system with little time to plan—or prepare for—this major undertaking. Predictably, this created chaotic, uneven implementation of distance learning plans within and between schools and districts. Early returns from the first weeks of this spring’s school closures suggest that historically underserved children and their...