Kristina is a 38 year old mom of two boys, an Army wife of 14 years, and an educator. Her oldest son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when he was 6 and he is coming up on his 6th diaversary. She stayed home for 7 years and went back to work in the schools her children have attended. She is currently a SPED para in Colorado.
Kristina Butler
Blog Post List

August 25, 2023
Back to school is always a stressful time. The question of does my son have what he needs for school changed when he was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when he was in the 1st grade. No longer am I worrying ONLY about pencils, crayons and backpacks. Added on to that is low supplies, insulin and glucagon. In class vs nurse’s office. On person vs at teacher’s desk. Is he the first student in this school? The fear of the lack of knowledge amongst staff starts to grow. There is so much you have to think about that goes beyond your child’s 504. When my child was diagnosed he was only 6 and the...
Education Fund