Michealle Gady
Blog Post List
January 26, 2011
Q: I supported health care reform and was so elated when it passed, however . . . Now I hear of cuts in payments to doctors for Medicare. Many doctors refuse Medicare patients already, but with more cuts there will be no medical care for seniors. Supplement plans won't cover anything that Medicare doesn't cover, or doctors that don't take Medicare. Health insurance for seniors is a near impossibility. So does health care reform mean health care on the back of seniors? A: No. Many people with Medicare have heard that their doctors are facing a substantial decrease in their Medicare payments...
December 16, 2010
Answer: When the Medicare Part D prescription drug program was created, it included a gap in coverage known as the “doughnut hole.” The basic Part D benefit charges a deductible and 25 percent coinsurance for prescription drugs up to an initial coverage limit (in 2010, that’s the first $2,840 in total drug costs). After that point, beneficiaries fall into the doughnut hole . Prior to the passage of the Affordable Care Act, while beneficiaries were in the doughnut hole, they were responsible for the full cost for medications until total prescription drug costs reached $6,440. After that point...