Sonya Lunder
Blog Post List
February 5, 2009
A couple weeks back I circulated Jill Lepore's New Yorker article about the breast pump to my closest friends of facebook. The article raised some hackles from friends who felt like it was too critical of the commitment made by pumping mamas. And what is to criticize? Pumping takes a heroic effort.
February 5, 2009
A couple weeks back I circulated Jill Lepore's New Yorker article about the breast pump to my closest friends of Facebook. The article raised some hackles from friends who felt like it was too critical of the commitment made by pumping mamas. And what is to criticize? Pumping takes a heroic effort. My girlfriends have collectively pumped an incredible volume of our milk—in offices, plane bathrooms and their vehicles. Some made it past a year, while others found the whole act too burdensome or physically impossible to make it that long. Rose's pump traveled with her to Ethopia and Mexico City...