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Childcare & Early Education

Less Support for Low-Income Kids in the After-School Hours Is Cause for Concern

October 23, 2020
The toll the pandemic is taking on America’s moms is well documented and truly concerning, not just for moms but also for families and our country. At this time when millions more families are struggling to make ends meet, Moms are leaving the workforce because of the unmanageable burdens thrust on...
Jodi Grant's picture

Michigan Invests $2 Million into Its “10 Cents a Meal for Michigan’s Kids & Farms” Program

October 19, 2020
In Michigan schools, children are eating fresh peaches for the first time after only tasting canned. The kids take a juicy bite, and their faces light up. Even apples—the iconic school fruit—are causing a sensation as children learn in school meals that different varieties can be sweet, tart, and in between. And Brussels sprouts? Yes, please. Roasted. It’s all thanks to an innovative Michigan program that is cultivating healthy eating habits among children by introducing them to the wide variety of fruits and vegetables so necessary for good nutrition, and doing it in schools—the places where kids get up to two and even three meals a day.
Stephanie Vaughn's picture

VIDEO: Our Kids’ Social Emotional Development during COVID-19 

September 23, 2020
If you’re like most parents in the United States (and around the world) you’ve struggled with remote learning since March, missed the traditional school moments, like book fairs and spring festivals. If you’re like me, you probably thought, “Ok, I just have to get through this (academic) year, and...
Diana Limongi's picture

18 Washington Caregivers Who are Changing Our World

September 15, 2020
To mother is to transform. Each and every day moms are shaping a more just future for us all through small and big acts alike -- whether it’s helping a tantruming toddler understand their feelings or advocating for their community with elected leaders, moms have superpowers that move us all forward...
Casey Osborn-Hinman's picture

18 mamás de Washington que están cambiando nuestro mundo

September 15, 2020
Ser madre significa transformar. Todos los días las mamás crean un futuro más justo para todos nosotros a través de pequeñas y grandes acciones por igual –ya sea ayudando a un infante que está en medio de una pataleta a comprender sus sentimientos o abogando por su comunidad ante sus líderes...
Casey Osborn-Hinman's picture

Use Your Parent Voice: Join Early Edge CA's Parent Advisory Committee

September 2, 2020
Being a mother and a full-time educator is no easy task on a typical day. Adding a global pandemic in the mix definitely takes a toll on trying to figure out how to juggle multiple facets of our lives. As parents navigating COVID-19, we have a constant pressure of being 100% present at work (if we...
Marysol Perez's picture

¡Toma Acción para estabilizar el cuidado infantil en el próximo paquete de para el coronavirus!

September 1, 2020
“Tratar de encontrar cuidado infantil durante la pandemia es casi imposible. Soy responsable de un bebé de 20 meses y en estos momentos tengo que llevarlo de una casa a otra para para que lo cuiden. Esto no es seguro para él o para mí. Soy una de esas personas de alto riesgo, pero tengo que hacerlo...
Nina Perez's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A screenshot of a Facebook post about kids supporting other kids held in immigration detention.]

Review the Week: 3 Can't Miss Posts [Aug 28, 2020]

August 27, 2020
ICYMI: The MomsRising community was focused on being voters, raising voters and raising our voices for justice this week. Take a look at these three posts you loved, shared or might have missed for the week ending Aug. 28, 2020. 1) BLOG: Arizona! Your Voting Info and Deadlines Exercise your right...
Kerri Karvetski's picture

Parenting Infants and Toddlers in Times of Crisis (like a Pandemic?!)

August 20, 2020
When families of young children are in the midst of a difficult transition or living through a crisis, they often wonder: How do I keep my child safe? And, as part of that understanding of not being able to give enough of their time to their children, they worry about their children’s development...
Lina Acosta Sandaal's picture

Books for Raising Voters, Advocates, Activists, Future Presidents

August 20, 2020
As parents we know it can be hard to find creative and age appropriate ways to discuss social justice and all the uncertainty in the world with our children. Finding quality material to engage your kids in social activism, voting and other social justice issues can be overwhelming, and daunting...
Amber Dorsey's picture
