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Childcare & Early Education

What Do Children Need to Be School Ready?

May 2, 2017
As educators, advocates and organizers, we know it’s not easy to unite, and much less execute effectively, as a collective. Nonetheless, we must continue to diligently pursue these collective conversations and actions to achieve a thriving ecosystem for young children. To me there’s undoubtedly an...
Denise Smith's picture

Let's Celebrate Bilingual Education!

May 1, 2017
*** Want more information on raising multilingual children? Visit MomsRising's bilingual parenting resource site: MomsRising/MamásConPoder just wrapped up celebrating National Bilingual/Multilingual Learner Advocacy Month and we want...
Diana Limongi's picture

#5Actions! Power up!

May 1, 2017
We’re 100 days in to the new administration and we’re not giving up! In fact, we’re powering up, rolling our sleeves up, and marching forward! Here are your #5Actions for this week: 1. The very bad, no good healthcare bill is ba-aack! And they might vote again soon. Tell Congress: Don’t take our...
MomsRising's picture
Celebrando Mes Nacional del Concientización Bilingüe!

Porqué debemos hablar el idioma nativo con nuestros niños

April 30, 2017
Para la mayoría de los padres inmigrantes, criar hijos bilingües no es una elección o una decisión, sino más bien una forma de vida. Independientemente de que nuestro idioma nativo sea el español, filipino, coreano, chino o francés, todos queremos que nuestros hijos puedan comunicarse en el idioma...
Maritere Rodriguez Bellas's picture
Celebrating Bilingual Awareness Month

New research on dual language learners and how parents can stand up for diversity in the Trump era

April 28, 2017
*** Want more information on raising multilingual children? Visit MomsRising's bilingual parenting resource site: The child of immigrants, my father grew up in San Francisco Chinatown and attended schools that taught him in English...
Deborah Kong's picture

Join this important convo on early learning programs, like preschool and childcare, in Santa Fe!

April 28, 2017
“Preschool helped all three of my children to sit, listen and learn in kindergarten! They learned about the joy of learning and were hungry for more! These programs helped them in their social skills which is another important part of learning! Because of these programs they are and were not afraid...
Nina Perez's picture

Moms On The Front Lines of the Resistance - 1st 100 days!

April 28, 2017
THANK YOU! Through all the political chaos that’s happened since Trump took the White House we’ve been blown away by the impact at the state and federal levels of the over million members, and millions of readers, of MomsRising who have been raising their voices in high impact ways for the last ten...
Kristin's picture

Why full-day free pre-k isn't just compassionate, it's also common sense

April 27, 2017
As the mother of two precious children, I know just how important the first years of life are. Milo, 5 and Elizabella, 2, are like little sponges. Every day they absorb new words, new skills and new ways of navigating this world that will serve them for a lifetime. As an advocate for mothers and...
Alyssa Milano's picture

#MilitaryMonday: Madre, esposa, inmigrante, soldado

April 25, 2017
Me llamo Brishithe Tovar y nací en Guatemala. Mi familia y yo emigramos a California cuando tenía 9 años después de que mi madre fuera asaltada a mano armada cuando tenía 6 meses de embarazo. El trauma y el estrés fueron tan severos que mi mamá desarrolló presión arterial peligrosamente alta y...
Brishithe Tovar's picture

#MilitaryMonday: Mom, Wife, Immigrant, Soldier

April 24, 2017
My name is Brishithe Tovar and I was born in Guatemala. My family and I migrated to California when I was 9 years old after my mother got robbed at gunpoint when she was 6 months pregnant. The shock and stress was so severe, my mom developed dangerously high blood pressure and temporary blindness,...
Brishithe Tovar's picture
