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Family Economic Security

The Human Needs Report: What Congress did - and didn't do - at the end of 2017, and what's on tap for early 2018

January 11, 2018
A lot happened on Capitol Hill right before the holiday break, while many other issues were kicked down the road and remain on the Congressional agenda for early 2018. Where do things stand? The Coalition on Human Needs just released our latest edition of the Human Needs Report, with a brief rundown on Congress’s spending work, the tax cut bill, immigration, health care, and more.
Lecia Imbery's picture
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TAKE ACTION: Urge your legislators to support the Equal Pay Opportunity Act

January 6, 2018
$18 billion . That’s how much Washington women lose to the wage gap each year. Women of color lose the most. That’s the bad news. The good news? There’s growing, bipartisan support in the Washington State Legislature to pass groundbreaking equal pay legislation, called the Equal Pay Opportunity Act...
Maggie Humphreys's picture

This Is a Sad Day for Our Nation

December 22, 2017
Today, in a desperate attempt to claim a single legislative victory in 2017, President Donald Trump signed the GOP’s atrocious tax bill into law. Trump ran on the promise that he would stand up for working families, yet the legislation he signed today will plunge the country deeper into debt, cause...
MomsRising's picture

Making Room at the Inn

December 22, 2017
A friend shared a story I love about our mutual friend and mentor Rev. William Sloane Coffin, Jr. some years ago. It was Christmas Eve and the pews at New York City’s Riverside Church were packed. The Christmas pageant was underway and had come to the point at which the innkeeper was to turn away...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
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(Un)happy anniversary, DC!

December 20, 2017
Today marks exactly one year since the DC Council voted to pass the Universal Paid Leave Act. I wish I could say we were still celebrating and preparing for its implementation, but instead we need to protect the law from being repealed and replaced with a weak and harmful alternative.
Sara Alcid's picture

Tax Bill an ‘Insult to Working Families’ and a ‘Disaster for the Economy’

December 20, 2017
The tax plan Congress passed today, on a partisan basis, is an insult to our country’s working families. This atrocious bill was written hastily and in secret, then pushed through to a vote despite overwhelming public opposition. Its aim is clear: to cut taxes for corporations and wealthy...
MomsRising's picture
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SIGN OUR LETTER telling Congress to do their job!

December 20, 2017
The clock is tick…tick…ticking! And we are still fighting for families in our nation. The GOP just pushed through a destructive tax plan while ignoring some important work that has to be done before 2018—and we are doubling down. The U.S. Congress is on the clock to pass a funding bill by 11:59 pm...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

TAKE ACTION: Tell the Portland City Council to pass earned sick days

December 15, 2017
Portland will always be home for me. I went to Portland High, have lived in more Joe Soley buildings than I can count, and have been caught walking multiple blocks along with both the whistler and Ricky on his guitar. My Portland pride is matched only by my desire to ensure Portland is a city where the health and economic security of people of color and working families are not left behind as the city develops.
Bea Trumann's picture

MomsRising Fighting for CHIP!

December 14, 2017
On Wednesday, MomsRising took to Capitol Hill to discuss the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). We made it loud and clear that Congress should not gamble with our kids. CHIP expired at the end of September , and Congress has yet to reauthorize the historically bipartisan legislation. As a...
Isabella Higgins's picture

TAKE ACTION: Urge Maryland Legislators to Vote YES one last time and save paid sick days

December 13, 2017
In a few short weeks, we have one last chance to win earned paid sick days in Maryland. We need to get ready right now because we’re not going to give up our shot!
Ruth Martin's picture
