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Gun Safety

A child's absence

February 19, 2013
Last Decemb er, as the Newtown story was unfolding, I called my husband to see if he had heard… and as he as answered the phone, I just started tearing up. I could barely get my words out. Even now, I sometimes find it difficult to talk about it. Was it because there were so many young children?...
Gloria Pan's picture

No More Missing Valentines

February 15, 2013
This Valentine's Day, as we celebrate our loved ones with chocolates, flowers, and sometimes even pink cards with massive glitter, I can't help but also think of the families who are missing people due to gun violence--and about the importance of making our communities safer for everyone. To be...
Kristin's picture

A single day won't be enough.

February 14, 2013
Chocolates, flowers, pink cards with massive glitter, and safe communities are on our minds this Valentine's Day. What? Safe communities? This Valentine's Day, as we think of our own loved ones, we can't help but also think of the families who are missing people due to gun violence--and about the...
Kristin's picture

Moms Ask Congress to “Have a Heart” On Valentine’s Day; Pass Common Sense Gun Laws

February 14, 2013
On a day usually associated with candy hearts, red roses and romance, America’s moms will call on Congress to “have a heart” and pass common sense gun laws. MomsRising, the online and on-the-ground grassroots organization with more than 1.1 million members, held a special event at the Lutheran...
Kristin's picture

Moms' hearts break the loudest

February 4, 2013
When one mom I know turned on her TV and saw the breaking news about a gunman at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, she stood up and started shouting, “No!” and throwing pieces of laundry she had been folding at the TV screen. Another mom I know got straight into her car to bring her...
Gloria Pan's picture

Mental Health Care Must Trump Guns

January 30, 2013
The Newtown, Tucson and Virginia Tech “shooters” all chose guns over mental health care. So we debate gun control. But a true solution must involve a serious examination of our mental health system. Even if Adam Lanza, Jared Loughner and Seung-hui Cho had no access to guns, they still would have...
Dora Calott Wang's picture

The Visible Groundswell: March on Washington for Gun Control

January 26, 2013
We all knew there was a toxic strain of gun culture in American society, a love of guns beyond reason and uncompromising in its advocacy of firearms for all. We all knew, but occupied by families and work, and distracted by other worries like healthcare or the economy, we could and did pretend that...
Gloria Pan's picture
