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#FoodFri Tweetchat: If you can't sell it, why advertise it?

April 17, 2014
Join @MomsRising and @PreventObesity this Friday, 4/18/14 at 1 p.m. EST / 10am PST for #NoMoreJunkAds , our #FoodFri tweetchat focused on creating a healthier school environment. Parents scored a huge victory last year when we won the Smart Snacks rule . Now snacks sold in school vending machines...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

Maryland General Assembly Has Established Funding for Pesticide Reporting!

April 7, 2014
Thank you MomsRising and Maryland Moms! With your help, the Maryland General Assembly passed House Bill 621 / Senate Bill 700, legislation that generates revenue for professional pesticide usage reporting through a modest increase on the annual pesticide manufacturers product registration fee...
Ruth Berlin's picture

What parents should know about health insurance and the Affordable Care Act

March 28, 2014
In America, 5.7 million children do not have health insurance. That’s a scary number. As a mother and a grandmother, I know the many worries that parents have about their children. We try to protect them from illness and accidents, but so much is beyond our control. Far too many parents face...
HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius's picture

"Just In Case"

March 27, 2014
As I sat listening to Angie share the story of her birthing experience, I was saddened to realize how similar it was to my own, even though the hospitals were almost 1500 miles apart. As she described how she sent her son to the nursery to allow herself to get some rest, I wondered if anyone...
Sahira Long's picture

Take Action on Healthcare Today!

March 25, 2014
So far, over 5 million people have enrolled in health insurance through the Affordable Care Act! But millions more are eligible but not enrolled. It’s critical we alert our communities that this year’s deadline for getting coverage through is March 31st – next Monday! Please help us...
Felicia Burnett's picture

TAKE ACTION: I'm tired of these so-called “Obamacare horror stories"

March 24, 2014
I’m really peeved with the media. I’m getting tired of seeing these so-called “Obamacare horror stories” when I watch TV or read the news when, in reality, over five million people have gained healthcare coverage thanks to the Affordable Care Act and many millions of people are getting financial...
Nina Perez's picture

What you want to know about the "Break Time for Nursing Mothers" law

March 22, 2014
What you want to know about the “Break Time for Nursing Mothers” law Earlier this month, ACLU Nationwide sent a letter to a Colorado employer, documenting multiple violations of the federal “Break Time for Nursing Mothers” law. While calling on DISH Network to provide adequate space and privacy for...
To-wen Tseng's picture

Only 11 days left! Tips on how to get the word out about new health coverage options.

March 20, 2014
Each person in my family has a pre-existing condition. Even my seven-year-old son. From my high blood pressure, to my husband's cholesterol, to my son's severe health issues as an infant—just a few years ago we were basically uninsurable on the individual market. So, you can imagine how relieved I...
Felicia Burnett's picture

#FoodFri Tweetchat: Liquid Sugar's Reign Must End

March 20, 2014
California is in the midst of an obesity and diabetes epidemic. It did not happen by chance. It has been led by sophisticated marketing that targets our kids. It is wreaking havoc on the public's health, and healthcare costs, and we are all paying for it. Soda and other sugary drinks are the single...
Migdalia Rivera's picture

No One Tells Mamma to "Just Go Home!"

March 19, 2014
By Galen Sherwin, ACLU Women's Rights Project Imagine you have just returned from maternity leave, still nursing your baby, and you find that your workplace has no place available for you to pump breast milk. After trying for several hours to find a place, you ask for help from your department head...
ACLU's picture
