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Health Care

Pens and Computer? Check. Condoms and Birth Control?...

August 24, 2012
It’s that time of year when parents are busy with school shopping and taking our kids to the doctor for back-to-school checkups. If you have an older teen, you may want to consider adding one more task to your to-do list: talking about sex and contraception and helping him or her get the...
Leslie Kantor's picture

How the Affordable Care Act Will Help Joshua

August 23, 2012
By Sabrina Corlette, Georgetown University Center on Health Insurance Reform When Joshua Lemacks of Richmond, Virginia takes the field for one of his Little League games, the other team may not be overly impressed with his batting average stats, but those who know him realize that he has beaten...
Say Ahhh's picture

"Legitimate rape"?!

August 20, 2012
Let's just say, I'm very glad that Congressman Todd Akin is not MY doctor - or any woman's doctor. This weekend, Congressman Akin from Missouri explained his understanding of the chance of pregnancy as a result of a rape the following way: "If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try...
Ashley Boyd's picture

New Paper Series Explores Reproductive Justice Issues, Including What Happens to Pregnant Women in Prison

August 17, 2012
The Center for Women Policy Studies has published a series of papers called Reproductive Laws for the 21st Century . My contribution is called "She Doesn't Deserve to be Treated Like This": Prisons as Sites of Reproductive Injustice , and I’m excited to share it with the MomsRising community. The...
Rachel Roth's picture

A Toxic Chemical Victory!

August 16, 2012
Excellent news! Johnson & Johnson has now committed to removing a wide host of known toxic chemicals from their products by 2015. Earlier this year the company committed to removing these unhealthy and dangerous chemicals from baby products, but they now have plans to move past that original promise to include all of their personal care products. This is huge, like really, really huge.
Michelle Noehren's picture

#RADIO - The Super 8: The 8 New Free Women's Preventative Health Services

August 16, 2012
The Super 8. Many people are in vacation mindsets right now, so the words "Super 8" may spark images of motels on summer vacation stops. But I'm not talking about a Super 8 motel on a family road trip to the Grand Canyon. Nope. I'm talking about the new Super 8: The 8 new free women's preventative...
Kristin's picture

Election 2012: What's the budget impact on moms and families?

August 14, 2012
If there was ever any doubt that the U.S. federal budget would claim center-stage in the 2012 presidential race, it vanished with Mitt Romney's selection of House Budget Chair Paul Ryan (R-WI) as the GOP Vice Presidential nominee. Although Mitt Romney has emphasized he will run on a Romney budget,...
Jo Comerford's picture

Semper Fi and the Safe Chemicals Act

August 8, 2012
Last night I went to a showing of Semper Fi , a shocking documentary about the families of Camp Lejeune who were literally poisoned by contaminated drinking water for 30 years. The reason this topic was of interest to me is because Camp Lejeune is in my state and I’ve been learning about the need...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Dear Non-Californians…

August 1, 2012
Shade your eyes, stretch high-up on your tippy-toes, and look west… A bit farther…past your back yard… Up and over the Rocky Mountains... Past Las Vegas glimmer… Over to the massive, distant, piece of land geographically sandwiched between the Sierra Nevada Mountain range and the Pacific Ocean...

It's August 1st! Being a woman just got easier.

August 1, 2012
By Ashley Mayo, Strategic Engagement Fellow at the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, being a woman just got easier. Today, a new provision of the law requiring insurers to provide women's preventive services without a copay takes effect. For a quick look at what...
Ashley Wheeland's picture
