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MomsRising Near You

The Short Game: Taking the "Work" out of "Working Together"

December 20, 2013
Two nights ago, I hosted a gathering for my new ebook, Lean On and Lead, Mothering and Work in the 21st Century Economy . The event was an opportunity to experience the interactive nature of my project as well as to meet Hawaii's Congresswoman Colleen Hanabusa, a candidate for US Senate , who is...
Shay Chan Hodges's picture

MomsRising Near You – FAQ about Sparking a Gathering, Recruiting Attendees & More!

November 27, 2013
Last week, MomsRising launched our newest big idea, MomsRising Near You (MRNY) , and the response from MomsRising members has been fantastic! In fact, we received some amazingly perfect questions about the MRNY program – so good, that we wanted to share them with everyone who is interested in...
Stefanie Brown's picture

LATISM '13 (Video and Pics Included!)

October 23, 2013
Photo below from left to right: me; Sylvia Aguilera, director of government relations for McDonald's Corporation; Jes Sofia Valle, CEO of the Bloggers of Health network; Ana Roca Castro, founder of LATISM, education tech developer and CEO of Plaza Familia ; and Laurita Tellado, the force behind the...
Elisa Batista's picture

Hispana Leadership Summit 2013 (Pics Included!)

October 17, 2013
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Let's call September 2013 the month of the conference, shall we? I traveled three of four weekends for blogging, social media and networking conferences. Two of those conferences, including the Hispana Leadership Summit , took place in my childhood home state of Florida. I felt...
Elisa Batista's picture

The Social Justice Movement Emerging in North Carolina

August 27, 2013
The kids were sitting “crisscross apple sauce” and waiting for story time to begin. Almost a thousand people gathered in Durham, North Carolina to celebrate Dr. King’s birthday -- a sea of black, brown, and white faces looking expectantly at the stage. And when Ms. Virginia Williams stepped up to...
BethM's picture

"My STRAIGHT Son Was Repeatedly Denied Promotions For 'Being Gay'"

July 18, 2013
I love my son. Like any mother, I would do anything for him -- anything to make sure that he can live up to his potential and fulfill all of his dreams. That's why I was completely stunned when my son -- my straight son -- was refused promotions at work for being gay. I grew up in a small town in...
Lyn Herron's picture at Netroots Nation -- Pics and Audio Included! #nn13

June 28, 2013
The staff members who attended Netroots Nation from left to right: Angélique Roché, dream hampton, Elisa Batista, Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, Karen Showalter, and Anita Sarah Jackson SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Six staff members were in San Jose, California last week to partake...
Elisa Batista's picture

TAKE ACTION: Get together with MomsRising members near you!

June 24, 2013
Have you heard about our new BIG IDEA floating around called MomsRising Near You? Around the country brilliant, fierce moms like you are signing up to say they're interested in getting together once a month with other MomsRising members, and we want you to get in on the excitement! What's so...
Kristin's picture

Moms' Night Out in the Triangle

March 1, 2011
Between the craziness of taking care of the kids, working, and the million other things every mom does every day, we too often put ourselves last. If you’re like us, you always plan to try to squeeze some time in for yourself or for a night out with your friends, but too often it doesn’t happen. We...
Felicia Burnett's picture

MomsRising Lemonade Stand and Bake Sale Tips!

May 23, 2007
HAVE FUN, RAISE SOME MONEY, AND HELP SPREAD THE MOMSRISING MESSAGE * PICK A PLACE & TIME – Pick a time and a place where you’ve got a guaranteed crowd to entice with your goods. Options may include: a local parade route, a busy local park, a local fair, or even a busy street corner. Feel free...
Ashley Boyd's picture
