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Open Flexible Work

5 Things Employers Should Know about Breastfeeding

August 11, 2010
Under health care reform, all employers are required by law to accommodate the needs of breastfeeding employees. But ignorance about breastfeeding still prevails in the workplace. Here are the basics that every employer should know. Please send it to your boss, your HR director, and anyone who is in a position to support women breastfeeding when they return to work.
Katrina Alcorn's picture

Does the Labor Market Punish (M)Others?

August 10, 2010
The labor market punishes mothers and others who make lane changes during the course of their work lives.
Nanette Fondas's picture

Even in a Recession, Flex Makes (Dollars and) Sense

August 6, 2010
Even in a recession, flex-time, job-sharing, compressed schedules, and telecommuting increase employee productivity and reduce costs. The net effect? A boost to the bottom line.
Nanette Fondas's picture

Screw Work Life Balance: We Need Work Life Policy! Join the Movement at BlogHer

August 2, 2010
For over two years, The Four Hour Work Week has been a national bestseller. Why? Because most of us resent feeling tethered to our jobs, and we know we could still do great work even if we had the ability to control our schedules and factor family needs into our day. But workers are completely on...
Morra Aarons-Mele's picture

The White House Talks, Is Congress Listening?

July 28, 2010
This year the White House, in cooperation with the Council on Women and Girls, hosted a conference on Workplace Flexibility. The conference came on the heels of a report by the Council of Economic Advisors on the benefits to employers of offering paid leave and flextime, official guidance on...

Paid Leave Makes Horse Sense

July 28, 2010
Vacations are good for your health . And, you don’t need to get away to any fancy Caribbean retreat to get the benefit of time-off from work. But it helps if you are a horse. In New York City, that is. The City’s Health Department has proposed new rules for those horses hitched to carriages that...
Jodie Levin-Epstein's picture

Work-life balance: Finding the Swede spot

July 27, 2010
A quiet revolution has been taking place in Sweden for 15 years, affecting everything from the gender pay gap to workplace culture to relationships between parents and children. It all started at home. Here’s a link to the fascinating New York Times story about this phenomenon. Now here’s my...
Katrina Alcorn's picture

Who's Joining Unions Today? Hint: It's Not the White Guys

July 20, 2010
Back in the day, the average American thought of unions as mainly involving white guys who work in factories, pull down enough income to support a wife at home raising children, have two cars and a house in the suburbs, and look forward to a comfortable retirement at the end of the road. That...
Robert Drago's picture

This sucks: Breast pumping at work

July 14, 2010
Many of our employers and coworkers remain woefully ignorant about breastfeeding; without realizing it, they put us in situations that can be thoroughly humiliating.
Katrina Alcorn's picture

Surprise! I want to work!

June 8, 2010
A recent article on The Bump highlighted the 10 Biggest New Mom Surprises (and How to Deal) . Amidst noisy poop and bad breastfeeding experiences they mentioned this nugget: "Going back to work is hard." This is one of the top 10 surprises? Really? I have not yet met a single mom who is thinking...
Sharon Meers's picture
