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Paid Sick Days

Rooting for Passage of Paid Sick Days in Philadelphia

May 27, 2011
Every night a second grade teacher washes the top cover of her reading couch because some child has had to come to class with the flu rather than staying home alone. A principal describes the number of high school students who miss school to stay home with a younger sibling because a parent can’t...
Ellen Bravo's picture

Using NFIB Economist’s Estimates on Paid Sick Days: It’s Not Cricket

May 26, 2011
As a kid living near Manchester in the north of England, my first love was cricket. The sport (it is a sport) comes up nowadays when I use the phrase “it’s not cricket” — as in, it’s not acceptable, it’s not done. In a report circulated to Philadelphia City Council and the media (but not online...

CT State Senate voted to pass the paid sick days bill this evening: Your action needed!

May 26, 2011
Good news! The Connecticut State Senate voted to pass the paid sick days bill this evening – and the bill passed by *one* vote! The calls, letters, and emails from MomsRising members and others paid off. In fact, Senator Ed Meyer referred to his 2000 letters and emails in support of paid sick days...
Kristin's picture

Philadelphia Paid Sick Days Law Would Allow Workers to Take Care of Their Chronic Conditions

May 25, 2011
In Philadelphia, there’s a disconnect between public health initiatives and access to care. The reason? Lack of paid time off to get to the doctor to care for chronic conditions. Since passage of the Affordable Care Act, the Department of Health and Human Services has awarded approximately $22.54...
Andrea Lindemann's picture

It’s time now for workers to be able to earn paid sick days in Philly and across the country

May 25, 2011
Millions of Americans working without paid sick days face the impossible choice between caring for their health and that of their family, and keeping their paycheck or job. At a time when many families are worried about their financial security, the threat of losing a job or needed wages forces...
Linda Meric's picture

Philadelphians deserve right to time off when sick

May 25, 2011
Philadelphians are working hard to support their families, and it’s not easy as expenses go up while their wages stay the same. Stretched to the limit and unable to put money aside for emergencies, many Philadelphians are faced with the decision to go to work sick. Last year my nephew Zachary got...

Apocalypse Never: Earned Sick Days Provide Benefit, Not Doom

May 25, 2011
The Philadelphia paid sick leave bill faces determined opposition from the city’s business lobbies. The Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce predicts doom every step of the way, prophesying mass job losses, shuttered businesses, and slashed benefits. Sound familiar? It should. Business groups routinely...

Support paid sick days in Philadelphia!

May 25, 2011
People come to Studio 34: Yoga | Healing | Arts to find wellness and community. They work out in yoga classes, perhaps have a therapeutic massage, maybe meet other new mothers in a breastfeeding class. It’s wonderful to see so much activity, and it helps keep us all in good health. Yet everyone...

Bad Economics Meet Paid Sick Days in Philadelphia

May 25, 2011
A new study for the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) estimates that Philadelphia’s proposed paid sick days legislation would cost employers between $350 million and $752 million annually. Both the factual basis and the assumptions underlying this study are seriously flawed. The...
Robert Drago's picture

In Philadelphia, a Healthy Workforce and a Healthy Business Environment Go Together

May 25, 2011
The human reasons to ensure that all working Philadelphians are able to care for themselves and their ill loved ones are tremendously compelling. The public health rationale for enabling people with contagious diseases to stay home and avoid spreading it is impeccable. But in an era of high...
