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Paid Sick Days

Imagining a World With #PaidSickDays

August 26, 2010
There are many areas of life in this country where it appears that we live in two worlds. And that’s no different when we consider paid sick days. In the first world, if you’re sick, you stay home from work, take care of yourself, and have the time to get better. In the second world, if you’re sick...
Linda Meric's picture

No Reason to Wait on Paid Sick Leave

August 26, 2010
Despite having a veto-proof number of supporters in the City Council, a bill that would guarantee workers the right to earn paid sick leave is being stalled by the business community. This is not particularly surprising, given that businesses have generally fought against raising workplace...

Latest news and plans for the NYC #paidsickdays campaign

August 26, 2010
In the spring of 2007 the NYS Paid Leave Coalition and A Better Balance began meeting with Speaker Christine Quinn’s staff to determine if the City Council had the authority to establish a law to require private sector employers to provide paid sick days to their employees. After the initial...

Why should you care about mandatory #paidsickleave?

August 26, 2010
It is estimated that about one-half of full-time private sector American workers do not have paid sick leave benefits. If you are in the other one-half that do, congratulations . . . to you and your employer. However, it might interest you to know that your favorite restaurant employee, retail...

Working to Improve the Workplace so Workers Can Care for Their Families

August 26, 2010
My name is Sherry Leiwant and I am Executive Director of A Better Balance: The Work and Family Legal Center. We are a legal advocacy organization working to improve the workplace so that workers can care for their families without sacrificing their economic security and we have focused heavily on...
Sherry Leiwant's picture

A Paid Sick Days Wake Up Call

August 26, 2010
My 90 year-old mother used to tell me that moms are only allowed to be sick for one day – after that they have to get back to taking care of everyone else. Too bad that the nasty germs don’t always pay attention to the one-day rule. And to make matters tougher, nowadays, taking care of everyone...

Why We Need #PaidSickDays: Stories From NY Parents

August 26, 2010
Over the last few months, we've been asking MomsRising members to send us their personal stories about the need for paid sick days and the response has been overwhelming. Members from every state have shared their stories, demonstrating the indisputable truth that lack of a rational paid sick day...
Ruth Martin's picture

Speaker Quinn, NYC Needs Paid Sick Days Now!

August 26, 2010
Welcome to the MomsRising blog carnival on paid sick days for New York City! We've partnered with A Better Balance and the New York State Paid Leave Coalition to host a New York-based social media conversation (via this blog carnival and a Twitter party using #paidsickdays) focused on the urgent...
Ruth Martin's picture

Sen. Tom Harkin: Paid sick days stories "incredibly compelling"

August 18, 2010
On July 28th, MomsRising’s campaign director, Donna Norton, presented me with a collection of stories from MomsRising members in Iowa and across the country about the need for paid sick days. These stories are incredibly compelling. Donna presents Sen. Harkin the MomsRising members' PSD book I was...
Senator Tom Harkin's picture

5 Things Employers Should Know about Breastfeeding

August 11, 2010
Under health care reform, all employers are required by law to accommodate the needs of breastfeeding employees. But ignorance about breastfeeding still prevails in the workplace. Here are the basics that every employer should know. Please send it to your boss, your HR director, and anyone who is in a position to support women breastfeeding when they return to work.
Katrina Alcorn's picture
