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Politics & Policy

[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A black and white photo of an empty hallway in a prison, with a wall on the left.]

Re-Thinking Mass Incarceration: COVID-19 in Jails and Prisons

April 2, 2020
More people per capita are incarcerated in the United States than in any other country in the world—698 out of every 100,000 people are currently incarcerated. Many jails and prisons in the United States are overcrowded. This means that the number of people they have detained exceeds their safe...
Rachel Robison-Greene's picture

#SocialDistancing is impossible for people who are incarcerated

April 1, 2020
Our voices are making a difference, but we must keep the pressure on. Dozens of incarcerated people have already tested positive for COVID-19 across the nation. [1] Let's be clear: Prisons are unable to implement the CDC guidelines needed to flatten the cure and save lives. [2] We must have a plan...
Monifa Bandele's picture

Take Action: Cuomo is using COVID-19 to roll back Cash Bail Reforms!

April 1, 2020
Too many families are forced to experience the inhumane realities of what it is to be incarcerated inside of a New York jail, especially one like Rikers Island, for no other reason than their inability to pay cash bail. The same was true for 16-year-old Kalief Browder who was tortured for over...
Diarra Diouf's picture

UPDATED: Happy Census Day!

April 1, 2020
UPDATE: If you missed filling out your Census form on April 1, you still have time-- and options! (And you're definitely not alone.) Check out this CNET article for three easy ways to complete the form! Taking this easy step, and making sure everyone you know does, too, helps your community get...
Anita's picture
A blonde woman holds a sign that says Moms Rising for Health Care

A Reminder on the 10th Anniversary of the ACA: Progress is Possible

March 30, 2020
On the 10th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, we pause from the disheartening and discouraging news about coronavirus to remind ourselves that progress is possible. That’s a message of hope we all need to remember right now. Progress is possible. And we can make a difference. The ACA is proof of that. That law has dramatically improved health care in America, for millions of moms, kids, and families.
Felicia Burnett's picture

Wake Up Female Protagonists: COVID-19

March 26, 2020
If Octavia Butler a cutting edge Black female science fiction writer, were alive today, what would she say ? In her stories there were always female protagonists, she wrote herself into the story and took us with her. We are the earth loving sheros, the shape shifting elders, the isolated but...
Sunshine Muse's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A photo of a cardboard blue heart that says "Planet Earth First"]

How Research on Gender Will Help Us Craft Climate Justice Policy

March 6, 2020
We know that climate change is exacerbating already existing inequalities all across the world -- around race, gender, and class -- and we know that these differentiated experiences with climate change are rarely addressed in policy. The Women’s Environment and Development Organization and the Sierra Club just released a first-of-its kind report that reviews existing academic and scientific literature to further explore the gender-specific climate dynamics in the United States.
Mara Dolan's picture

We need access to affordable, high-quality child care!

March 2, 2020
Right now, Congress has a solution right in front of them: The Child Care for Working Families Act is a comprehensive solution that would expand access to affordable, high-quality childcare and pre-K for families while improving compensation and training for the childcare workforce.
Nadia's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A photo of a young child with blond hair in a half ponytail crying in an airplane seat.]

Kids Seated Away From Family During Flights?! Speak Out

February 25, 2020
Picture a 3-year-old sitting in a middle seat on an airplane, rows away from her parents as turbulence shakes the plane. Now imagine her parents trapped in their own seats rows away unable to help her, not knowing if she is safe sitting between strangers. Not to mention what it’s like to be one of...
Anna Laitin's picture
Take Action!
Quick signature: No monopoly for a coronavirus vaccine!

A coronavirus vaccine should save lives, not boost profits.

February 24, 2020
Every year, I make sure that my son and I get our flu shot as soon as it comes out. With a low-immune system due to chronic kidney disease, the flu can be devastating for me; and I am so grateful for the scientists across the world— and all the taxpayer dollars —that go into creating the flu...
Felicia Burnett's picture
