Chrysula Winegar
Blog Post List
March 22, 2012
A couple of years ago one of my children was diagnosed with a disorder. She was so barely on the needle of having this disease, that they ran the blood work three separate times (bloodwork that cost over $7,000 mind you). Sure enough, she's at the very outer edge of having it. In fact, we were told that were we to test her tomorrow, it's a 50/50 shot as to whether she'd be positive. But that diagnosis now lives on her file. For life.
September 20, 2010
I am a mother. I am lots of other things but as society continues to discount and undervalue this role, it is easy to get frustrated and not claim it as loudly as I should. The world talks about how important mothers are. Yet often mothers are the last ones on the list to be asked for their opinion about the issues that affect them. The blogging and social media revolution is turning that around as the mothers who blog morph into a powerful global force. I have been privileged to be asked by the UN Foundation to participate in a conversation we have called, "Changing the World, One Mother At...
September 1, 2010
I have a friend in the professional services sector in New York, working in one of those pressure-cooker 24/7 type of environments I wrote about recently . In fact I have a whole lot of friends in these industries. They work insane hours and are, for the most part, remunerated very well. Most of them laugh at me when they hear what my blog is about. “When you get called in on a Sunday night to close a deal that for every hour it goes on the client is losing a million dollars, then they don’t care if your wife is sick, your kid is walking for the first time, or your grandma is dying. They are...
July 16, 2010
All over the world, women are still dying in childbirth. A woman dies every single minute. In the majority of countries it is usually due to the absence of good medical support. In the USA, a staggering number of women still deliver in the ER without having received any pre-natal care. There is also a disturbing trend that too much technology and interference is leading to creeping maternal mortality rates in America. Christy Turlington's documentary, No Woman No Cry raises some of the issues. Women need to be heard. To be heard requires understanding and knowledge. In this, women in America are very much like their sisters in Bangladesh, Tanzania and Guatemala, the locations of Turlington's stories.
June 18, 2010
Heroes The rock star draw of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), Admiral Michael Mullen was the most surprising element of my night at the Families and Work Institute’s (FWI) 2010 Work Life Legacy Awards on Monday. The room’s excitement at his presence was palpable and energizing. Who says we don’t hunger for heroes in the corporate world? The other surprise was the delightful chorus of “oooos” and “aahhhs” from the several hundred suited corporate leaders over Dr. Berry Brazelton’s video montage of his interactions with new babies. I assure you, it wasn’t just the women! What were...