Mia Davis
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![[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image with light pink flowery background and a circle in the foreground that reads, "Shopping for pink products is never going to stop breast cancer."]](https://www.momsrising.org/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/FB%20img%20for%20Why%20We%20Can%27t%20Shop%20Out%20of%20Breast%20Cancer%20.png?itok=I5D02oST)
October 27, 2011
By Mia Davis and Amy Lubitow We’re sure you’ve noticed: October is breast cancer awareness month. You can’t miss the deluge of pink ribbons on every store shelf, on NFL players, jewelry, cosmetics. Even the White House went pink this month . Pink ribbons are big business. At present, 1 out of 8 women is diagnosed with breast cancer in the US, so nearly all of us know someone who has been affected, and want to show support or DO something to help. Many of these women have no family history, and their diagnosis can be a huge shock. But when we are encouraged to shop as a way to take action, we...
June 28, 2011
Newly introduced Safe Cosmetics Act (HR 2359) addresses the hidden toxic chemicals in your hair products, your tween’s highly fragranced lotion, and your baby’s bubble bath By now you’ve probably heard of Brazilian Blowout, the popular hair straightening procedure that has come under fire in the past year for having formaldehyde in the “formaldehyde free” version of the product. That’s right- not only was this carcinogen found in the product at high levels ( 12% in one product , within the range used in embalming fluid )- it was in a product that claimed not to have it in there at all. Maybe...
April 1, 2011
When we were 12 and 13 years old my girlfriends and I would often troll the cosmetics aisle of our local drugstore looking for new and exciting products to buy with our allowance money. Being a green-minded person even then, I reached for cosmetics I thought were natural, like Aveeno, Herbal Essences, and St. Ives (we loved that Apricot Scrub!). I assumed that the products on the store shelves were safe, and that natural would be even better for me and for the planet. I was fooled. I eventually found out these products are no different from conventional ones: they, too, contain chemicals that...
July 21, 2010
The launch of the Story of Cosmetics, and a chance for real regulatory action- what a day! Sometimes everything just comes together, you know? The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics has been around since 2004, but it is safe to say that today is the most exciting day our coalition has known. Today the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics is launching The Story of Cosmetics, a 7-minute film we created with our friends at Annie Leonard’s The Story of Stuff Project and Free Range Studios. The new video is hard-hitting, honest and fun: It explains the problems with our current system, which allows toxic...
May 12, 2010
If someone were to ask you, “What’s that lovely fragrance you’re wearin g? ” would you sa y , “ Oh, that’s hormone disruptors, allergens and chemicals that have never been assessed for safety . It’ s my signature scent. ” Of course you wouldn’t. But th ere is a good chance that reply would be accurate . Not So Sexy: The health risks of secret chemicals in fragrance , a new report by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and Environmental Working Group , reveals that t op-selling fragrances contain an average of 14 undisclosed chemicals , many of which are linked to serious health problems. How can...
May 27, 2009
What comes to mind when you think of Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo? Images of your kids playing in the tub, or memories of your own mom suddsing you up as a child? Maybe you think of the company’s famous taglines- “No.1 Choice of Hospitals” and “No More Tears.” Whatever you think of, it probably isn’t caution signs and cancer-causing chemicals - but now that might change. On May 26th, parents and nurses said “no more toxic tears” to America’s leading manufacturer of baby shampoo. MomsRising, the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, and nearly 50 other organizations representing more than 1.7...
March 12, 2009
This morning the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, with MomsRising and other partner organizations across the country, released a new report called "No More Toxic Tub: Getting Contaminants Out of Children’s Bath and Personal Care Products” .