Sara returns to MomsRising after serving as the lead project manager for Oregon Health Authority's trauma-informed COVID-19 vaccination campaign, Safe + Strong, while at Brink Communications. As a former Senior Campaign Director, she mobilized MomsRising's one million members to take action on economic justice issues and shift public policy through digital storytelling, policy advocacy and grassroots organizing. Her work centers the lived experience and expertise of systemically marginalized communities and families living on low incomes. Prior to joining MomsRising, Sara served as a Programs and Policy Associate at the Reproductive Health Technologies Project, where she led the organization's work at the intersections of environmental and reproductive health, rights, and justice. She holds a BA in Political Science and Gender Studies from Bryn Mawr College.
Blog Post List

March 5, 2020
It’s this simple: paid sick days will help limit the spread of the coronavirus in New York, but over one million workers in our state – many of them in the food service industry – don’t have access to any!
Take Action!

December 12, 2019
Add your name! We're sending a letter to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, urging them to reject a Trump Administration proposal to legalize anti-LGBTQ and other discrimination.

October 30, 2019
Halloween is especially scary this year. Not because of the neighbor’s zombie decorations – and certainly not because of all the (adorable) miniature vampires at your door for candy. Nope. This year, Halloween is off-the-charts frightening because of U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s LEGISLATIVE GRAVEYARD that is actively harming women, working families, the LGBTQ+ community, the immigrant community, and our democracy.

October 17, 2019
Sneezy does it! Prevent another seasonal flu epidemic by making sure Congress passes the Healthy Families Act, a national paid sick days bill.
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![[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A photo of a family of three people smiling at the camera.]](
September 24, 2019
2 million people and their families. 2 million. That's how many people who work for the federal government and how many will benefit if Congress passes the Federal Employee Paid Leave Act this year! And here's the good news: Congress is so so close to passing this . And, even if you’re not a federal employee, the fact is that a win like this at the federal level, like every win at the local and state level, helps build the case for a national paid family and medical leave program that lifts every family in this country. → Add your name to our letter urging every member of Congress to champion...
Take Action!
![[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A photo of a stack of voting reminder postcards slipping into a brass mail slot in a door.]](
September 20, 2019
Forget Wonder Woman’s lasso – it’s time to talk about YOUR super powers. You have secret super powers to help turn out the vote in Virginia’s super important November 5th election this year (every single seat in the VA State Legislature is being voted on)! Click here to activate your super powers! ***Super powers? It turns out that handwritten notes by YOU have real life super powers! Research shows that handwritten notes are one of the most powerful ways to get an infrequent voter to the polls on Election Day . And here’s the really exciting thing: We’re not just activating voters to cast a...

September 12, 2019
Help shape the future of paid family & medical leave in Colorado by telling the FAMLI Task Force that we need an affordable, inclusive, and comprehensive paid leave program!

September 4, 2019
This is one of those good news / bad news / we need to take action posts, so here we go! The good news! We’re one step closer to Washington, DC’s paid family and medical leave law, the Universal Paid Leave Act, going fully into effect on July 1, 2020! The bad news is that DC’s Office of Paid Family Leave recently released proposed benefit regulations for the District’s paid leave program and unfortunately, there’s a serious problem with these proposed regulations. But if we speak up about this problem, we can fix it! The proposed regulations include a “current employment” requirement that...

August 22, 2019
Today isn’t just any Thursday. Today is Black Women’s Equal Pay Day, marking the fact that Black women must work until August 22 of 2019 (and all of 2018) in order to earn what white men were paid in 2018 alone.
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![[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Three players from the US Women's National Team for soccer smooch their medals and trophy.]](
August 14, 2019
We’re calling a red card on the U.S. Soccer Federation! Why? It’s bad enough that they don’t pay the national men’s and women’s soccer teams equally, but now they have hired not one, but two (!!!) lobbying firms to actively lobby against equal pay on Capitol Hill. → Tell the U.S. Soccer Federation: STOP lobbying against equal pay for the U.S. Women’s National Team! Our jaws dropped when we saw the news that the U.S. Soccer Federation hired two Washington, DC lobbying firms to counter the U.S. Women’s National Team’s justified claims that they are paid less than players on the men’s team – as...

June 12, 2019
Today, June 10th is NOT our favorite day. Not at all. Why? Today is Moms’ Equal Pay Day, marking the fact that moms – across race and ethnicity – must work until June 10th of 2019 to earn what dads made in 2018 alone. Of course, averages alone don’t tell the whole story because, due to structural racism, moms of color face much larger wage gaps when compared separately. June 10th is also the 56th anniversary of the Equal Pay Act becoming law, yet we STILL don’t have pay equity. That’s the bad news about June 10th. >>> BUT there’s good news too: We know how to close the wage gap! *...
Take Action!

May 29, 2019
Discrimination is the last thing you should have to worry about when you’re pregnant, but even in 2019 pregnant workers are still being denied reasonable, medically-necessary accommodations at work (like extra water breaks or being able to sit down) because of loopholes in the 35 year old Pregnancy Discrimination Act. Pregnancy discrimination is unacceptable and now we have a chance to help end it. Last week, the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act was reintroduced in the U.S. House of Representatives with BIPARTISAN support ! Whoa, what? Yes, bipartisan support! → Let’s give this policy a boost!...

April 25, 2019
Spring breakkkkkk! Whether it’s an epic road trip with your kids or a scramble to find child care while they’re out of school, spring break is marked on family calendars across the nation. *** In fact, even the U.S. Senate is on spring break (Congressional recess) right now and it’s the perfect time to make a splash at our elected officials’ in-district offices! Send a message to your U.S. Senators’ in-district offices about the Paycheck Fairness Act and let them know what you would do with an extra $10,000 a year if the gender wage gap closed. → That’s right, on average, moms and women of...

March 27, 2019
VICTORY!!! The House of Representative just PASSED the Paycheck Fairness Act -- right in time for Equal Pay Day on April 2nd! Now we’re charging full speed ahead toward the U.S. Senate with our campaign for equal pay! Tell your U.S. Senators to co-sponsor and advance the Paycheck Fairness Act. This new 116th Congress, the most diverse in history, is the best shot we’ve had in years to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act through both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Why do we need the Paycheck Fairness Act? Because right now, women of color and moms still earn far too little compared to...

March 26, 2019
El Día de Pago Justo es el 2 de abril y marca cuántos días en el 2019 se tiene que trabajar para ganar lo que se le pagó a un hombre anglosajón en el 2018 haciendo el mismo trabajo. Las latinas solo hacemos 53 centavos por cada dólar y es hora de cambiar estas cifras. >>> Para crear conciencia sobre la brecha salarial y las posibles soluciones como ausencias familiares y médicas pagadas, MomsRising y Main Street Alliance crearon servilletas y cubre vasos de cartón para ser usadas durante ese día en las tiendas de café participantes en todo el país. ¿Por qué necesitamos pago justo y...

March 19, 2019
To mark Equal Pay Day and spread awareness about the punitive gender wage gap and possible solutions, like paid family and medical leave, MomsRising and Main Street Alliance created custom coffee sleeves and napkins for coffee shops across the nation to use on April 2nd.
Take Action!

March 5, 2019
This is huge. Just last week, the Paycheck Fairness Act was passed by the U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor! Next, the bill is headed to a floor vote, where it could pass the House of Representatives. And it can’t pass a moment too soon! Why not a moment too soon? Because TODAY is a giant reminder that women still face a punitive wage gap. Today is the first Equal Pay Day of the year -- Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) women’s equal pay day, marking how far into 2019 that AAPI women have to work on average to make what white men made in 2018 alone. Over two months of unpaid...
Paycheck Fairness

January 22, 2019
Have you seen all the “New Year, New Me” memes? I’ve got a better one: New Congress, New Chance for equal pay! That’s right — this new 116th Congress, the most diverse in history, is the best shot we’ve had in years to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act. And the time to get your members of Congress on board is now, because we want as many co-sponsors of the Paycheck Fairness Act as possible before the bill is introduced on January 30th. → TELL YOUR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS: Co-sponsor the Paycheck Fairness Act! *** The more co-sponsors the bill has before introduction, the stronger its chance of...

October 4, 2018
Forget Wonder Woman’s lasso, ignore Black Widow’s fighting skills, and never mind Storm’s ability to control lightning… it’s time to talk about YOUR super powers. You might be thinking, "Who, me?!" Yes: YOU! You have secret super powers to turn out the vote! Click here to activate them! ***It turns out that handwritten notes by YOU have super powers! Research shows that handwritten notes are one of the most powerful ways to get an infrequent voter to the polls on Election Day. [1] And here’s the really exciting thing: We’re not just activating voters to elect lawmakers — we’re also activating...
Education Fund
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Family Economic Security MomsRising MomsRising Near You Open Flexible Work Paid Sick Days Politics & Policy Realistic & Fair Wages
October 3, 2018
Did you hear the news?! Michigan lawmakers passed a paid sick time law! That may seem like good news at first, but the truth is that it’s not that simple and we can’t totally celebrate...yet. Here’s the scoop: The MI Time to Care coalition collected nearly 400,000 signatures for a strong paid sick time initiative to be on Michigan’s November ballot (yahoo!) because they know that when voters get a say, they support paid sick time. But here’s the twist: Rather than letting the people of Michigan vote for paid sick days on November 6th, opponents of paid sick days did a devious end run and...