Blog Post List
October 30, 2009
Why is it so hard to tell our bosses we have to leave for family reasons? What if all the dads where we worked did it more often? Leaders like Valerie Jarrett show that being committed to your kids and your job are not mutually exclusive -- and employers win when they recognize that. Maria Shriver's report A Women's Nation offers fresh ideas for opening up more common-sense conversation - like adopting UK "right to request" rules that allow parents to get some control over their hours and still produce great results for their employers.
October 14, 2009
How can Letterman's news make the world better for working moms? Let's take this chance to have some straight talk about how bad rules -- or no rules -- at work drive a lot of women away from good jobs. Let's talk openly about our personal experience so working moms can stay, succeed and join forces with good guys (like Fred in the below) to reset workplace culture.
October 8, 2009
As an uncoordinated person, the word “balance” makes me uneasy -- I envision standing on one foot and falling over. This week, The Huffington Post says that if we want more happiness we should stop striving for balance and seek something else instead: "Strong moments” -- those great surges of positive emotion when you hug your kid, make your spouse smile, have an epiphany, win one at work. This is a great antidote to the unhelpful idea that more choice is making women less happy (raised most recently by Maureen Dowd ). What is making women less happy is a failure to say NO to some of those...
Paid Family Leave Childcare & Early Education Paid Sick Days Realistic & Fair Wages Family Economic Security
September 28, 2009
On NPR this week, I was asked if there’s any good in the new statistics showing that women now outnumber men in the work force. Maybe. If it lets us embrace women as breadwinners, I said, that would be healthy. Even healthier: If men do their part at home and free women to keep the kinds of jobs that pay well. Listen But, like many things, this all comes down to love and sex. Some people get uneasy when women make more money and men do more childcare. Why is that? I’m guessing it’s the same reason that, until we wrote our book, I’d never heard these two facts: 1) Growing your earnings power...
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