Statement “We are grateful that, at last, the Trump administration is moving to ban bump stocks, defining them as machine guns and making them illegal. This small step is welcome and long, long overdue but more action is urgently needed to combat gun violence. Lives are being lost. Gun violence in America is the highest it’s been in 40 years, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
MomsRising Newsroom
December 18, 2018
December 18, 2018
Statement “Cyntoia Brown deserves to be free. Our justice system has failed her over and over. First, it failed to protect her when she became a victim of sex trafficking at just 16 years old. Fearing for her life, she defended herself against a 43-year-old armed child predator who had kidnapped and sexually assaulted her. Then, a court sentenced Cyntoia to life in prison.
December 17, 2018
Statement “The death of seven-year-old Jakelin Caal while in the custody of U.S. Customs and Border Protection is deeply and profoundly disturbing. Since the Trump administration came into power, our country has treated immigrants and asylum-seekers with suspicion and enmity, adopting policies that can only be characterized as hostile and heartless.
December 15, 2018
Statement “Last night’s ruling by Federal District Court Judge Reed O’Connor, declaring the ACA unconstitutional, poses a real and immediate threat to our country’s health, well-being, stability, and economy. It puts at risk more than 130 million people with pre-existing conditions – more than half of them women. It jeopardizes the consumer protections millions of moms rely on and imperils our coverage for maternity care, mental health, and substance abuse disorders.
December 13, 2018
Statement “Just one day after the House of Representatives passed the Preventing Maternal Deaths Act, the U.S. Senate today passed the companion bill, the Maternal Health Accountability Act. We are thrilled to see Congress prioritizing the health and lives of pregnant women and treating maternal mortality as the national emergency that it is.
December 12, 2018
Statement “We commend both the U.S. Senate and House for passing a bipartisan Farm Bill that protects, instead of punishes, families at risk for hunger. In the end, Congress did the right thing for our families and our economy by including a Nutrition Title that protects SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) and supports the moms and families that rely on it. SNAP is one of the strongest tools we have, as a nation, for combating poverty and hunger. Any attempts to create barriers to access or chip away at its funding would only harm our children and our economy.
December 11, 2018
Statement “The way New York City’s social service agencies, police and courts treated Jazmine Headley was a horror show – but sadly, not a surprise. Too many young mothers face mistreatment and abuse from the institutions charged with helping them. We need accountability and reforms now.
December 11, 2018
Statement “Even before his meeting with Democratic congressional leaders today, President Trump resorted to bluster and bullying in his effort to secure funding for a wasteful, unpopular, unnecessary border wall. His threat to shutdown the government if Congress doesn’t waste funds on this monstrosity are unreasonable. Our tax dollars should go to education, health care, job training, housing and other essential services, not to fund the President’s wall or support his callous, indefensible anti-immigration policies.
November 26, 2018
Statement “This weekend we became a country that uses tear gas on moms and babies seeking refuge at our borders. The cruel treatment of families trying to apply for asylum is horrifying and shameful, and it must end.
“We do not need to militarize our border. We do not fear moms and children. The Trump administration’s response was disproportionate and utterly without justification.
November 21, 2018
Statement “Nancy Pelosi is a force of nature, a brilliant strategist and a powerful champion for moms and families. She has been one of the most effective speakers of the House of Representatives in our country’s history, responsible for passage and defense of the Affordable Care Act, saving the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps), and advancing dozens of other measures that boost the rights of women, the economic security of families, and the strength of our economy. MomsRising is proud to support Rep.