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MomsRising Newsroom

February 8, 2018
Statement “Today’s vote in the Maryland State Senate to delay implementation of the Healthy Working Families Act until July is deeply disappointing. Maryland workers have waited much too long for earned sick days, and they should not have to wait any longer.   
February 5, 2018
Statement “Nothing should keep you from caring for a loved one battling cancer, being with a parent nearing their final days, or bonding with a new baby. But that is exactly the case for far too many U.S. workers because our leave laws are out of date and haven’t evolved to meet the needs of working families or our global economy.  
February 1, 2018
Statement “Today, we learned that the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) concealed an economic analysis – paid for with taxpayer dollars – that showed its controversial proposed rule to allow employers to withhold their employees’ tips would likely cost workers billions of dollars.
February 1, 2018
Statement “Today, we learned that the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) concealed an economic analysis – paid for with taxpayer dollars – that showed its controversial proposed rule to allow employers to withhold their employees’ tips would likely cost workers billions of dollars. It is already deplorable that the Trump administration would put such a rule in place; it adds insult to injury that the DOL would attempt to hide this unfavorable study in order to lie to the public about the rule’s impact.  
January 26, 2018
News release Washington, DC -- On Tuesday, January 30, while President Trump delivers his first State of the Union address, leading women activists will host an alternative event in Washington, DC -- The State of Our Union -- to offer an alternative view and vision for the country, and to address the persistent gender inequality and “crisis of leadership” they say is harming America.    
January 26, 2018
Statement “The framework for immigration the White House released yesterday is not a serious proposal for sound immigration reform. Instead, it continues the shameful immigration policies this administration has tried to advance since President Trump took office. It uses DREAMers as pawns in a plan to advance a racist, anti-immigrant agenda that will cause grave and lasting harm to our families, economy, and our country.  
January 26, 2018
News release Washington, DC -- On Tuesday, January 30, while President Trump delivers his first State of the Union address, leading women activists will host an alternative event in Washington, DC -- The State of Our Union -- to offer an alternative view and vision for the country, and to address the persistent gender inequality and “crisis of leadership” they say is harming America.   
January 26, 2018
Statement “The framework for immigration the White House released yesterday is not a serious proposal for sound immigration reform. Instead, it continues the shameful immigration policies this administration has tried to advance since President Trump took office. It uses DREAMers as pawns in a plan to advance a racist, anti-immigrant agenda that will cause grave and lasting harm to our families, economy, and our country. 
January 22, 2018
Statement “The Continuing Resolution (CR) that Congress passed today is a deep and painful disappointment. It once again fails to guarantee protections for DREAMers -- young people who were brought to the United States as children and must be allowed to live, learn, work and contribute to our communities and our economy. It is truly appalling that DREAMERers must now continue living in fear of being separated from their families and sent away from the only homes they’ve ever known. We need real solutions, not more empty promises from dysfunctional, xenophobic lawmakers.  
January 20, 2018
Statement “Republicans in Congress once again demonstrated their skewed priorities, that they would rather shut down the government than provide protections for DREAMers -- young immigrants who came to this country as children and who contribute greatly to their communities and our country. Congressional Republicans’ unwillingness to pass a continuing resolution that would allow DREAMers to live without fear is abhorrent. Shutting down the government will cause needless confusion, pain and suffering to families all across the country.  
