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Join @MomsRising and @PreventObesity this Friday, 4/18/14,  at 1 p.m. EST / 10am PST for #NoMoreJunkAds, our #FoodFri tweetchat focused on creating a healthier school environment.

Parents scored a huge victory last year when we won the Smart Snacks rule. Now snacks sold in school vending machines and a la carte lines must meet nutrition guidelines during the 2014-2015 school year.

However, no rule is currently in place for what can advertised in schools. Advertising and marketing to children in schools requires special consideration because the food industry is reaching children in an environment where parents have little or no oversight or ability to consent, and because students should have a learning environment that does not include messages that undermine nutrition and health education.

Our positions is... if you can't sell it, why advertise it? 


Let's face it, children and teens are confused enough as it is about healthy foods. While they are being offered healthier options, it makes no sense to then continue to promote unhealthy snacks. Sending mixed messages will only make matters worse.

Luckily, there is an opportunity now for parents to voice their opinions about junk food marketing in schools. But the deadline to comment is April 28th! 

Join us tomorrow at 1 p.m. EST / 10 a.m. PST for our #FoodFri chat, as we discuss #NoMoreJunkAds. Share your tips, resources and ideas while we raise awareness about this über important topic.



More about our #FoodFri Featured Panelist:


Prevent Obesity Image | is an advocacy network dedicated to reversing the childhood obesity epidemic. They connect leaders across the movement with hundreds of thousands of Supporters to implement policies that will help reduce childhood obesity nationwide. They currently have  3,500+ leaders & 300K+ grassroots supporters working to reverse childhood obesity.

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