Vetoed! Children's Health Care
Join a local rally near you to protest the president's veto! Click here to find a rally near you. *Yesterday morning the president vetoed a bill to provide funding for the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). As a result, 6.6 million children could lose health care coverage beginning November 16 and millions more who need health care coverage won't get it at all. With his veto, the president ignored bi-partisan support in congress and the overwhelming support of the American people. It's time to stand up (literally!) against this outrageous decision and call for Congress to overturn the president's veto.
RALLY FOR CHILDREN'S HEALTH CARE TOMORROW: Tonight, October 4th, MomsRising members are invited to join local rallies around the nation to protest the president's veto and to call for Congress to overturn it by the required 2/3 majority vote. In the Senate, there are enough votes to overturn the veto, but in the House, which votes first, we need about 20 more votes. These rallies are part of a national, multi-organizational effort lead by
*Click here to find the rally near you:
*Please forward this email to friends!
If you have kids, definitely bring them, too! (And their cute little red wagons or other rolling toys for a photo opportunity!)
RALLIES? YES. Online organizing is highly effective. But different challenges call for different strategies, and now is the time to get up from your computer, throw on some comfortable shoes, and raise your voice together with others who support children's health care in rallies around the country. This is one of those times when it is important for those of us who are outraged about this decision to show our outrage and demand action.
Find a rally near you here:
Most rallies will happen after work, at 6pm, and there is sure to be one near you. Invite your friends, neighbors, and family to show the president and Congress the real people who care about this program. Take a stand tomorrow, and help this country help lower income children get the health care they need.
We'll see you out there! --Katie, Kristin, Joan, Ashley and the MomsRising Team
P.S. Here's the article from CNN announcing the veto
P.P.S. In case you need some facts to inspire you, here are a few reasons the SCHIP program is so important (and great facts for your rally signs!):
*12% of American Children don't have any insurance coverage at all
* The U.S. Ranks 37th in the world for infant mortality
* One-in-five U.S. jobs does not provide health insurance, a pension, or wages high enough to support a family
* For a family of 4, one year of health insurance costs an average of 11,000
* Over 1/2 of all bankruptcy filings in 2001 were a result of medical expenses
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