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Dear member,

Well, it's official, the recession has hit our kids. An estimated 1.2 million children have lost employer-sponsored health insurance in the past year alone.[1] It's clear that Lehman Brothers aren't the only brothers that need a bail out.

We can turn this trend around for kids right now. How? Next week, the House of Representatives is voting on whether or not to reauthorize and fully fund the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), an important program which now provides healthcare coverage for over 4 million children. Congress needs to hear loud and clear from moms and dads that now, more than ever, families need their support.

Tell Congress to quickly reauthorize and fully fund SCHIP:

No government program has been more successful in helping get children get healthcare coverage than the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). Since 1997, the number of uninsured children has fallen by almost a third, and today SCHIP covers more than 4 million children. But there's much more work to be done because 9 million children in America still live without the promise of healthcare and everyday families are losing their employer-based health insurance because of job losses.

Your voice is needed! It's time to remind Congress that our kids might not have fancy pinstriped lobbyists, but they have us - slightly sleep deprived and disheveled, but totally unstoppable moms and dads, fighting for our nation's kids. President-elect Obama has pledged to expand children's health coverage and then move on to broader health reform.

Tell Congress to move quickly to make this promise a reality on Day One of the Obama Presidency by a quick and fully-funded reauthorization of SCHIP:

Please forward this message to all your friends, family, momslists and school lists.

Thank you for your incredible work on behalf of our nation's children!

--Donna, Ashley, Julia, Kristin, Joan and the Team

P.S. On Facebook? Help us spread the word about the SCHIP vote by joining our group "The SCHIP Won't Float Without You" now and inviting your friends.

[1] Georgetown University Health Policy Institute, Center for Children and Families, "Keeping the Promise to Children & Families in Tough Economic Times" (November 2008).

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