Here I am delivering your stories to CA Sen. Ben Allen!
Author Note: If you live in CA and would like to take action on this, please click on the petition here. There will be more signature and story deliveries in the future! Thank you! -Elisa
SACRAMENTO -- Three weeks ago we asked our California members to share their experiences obtaining affordable and high-quality childcare in our state. We are overwhelmed.
Hundreds of you wrote in to share challenges that, sadly, are all too common: childcare that costs the same as rent; too few childcare slots; and children who simply must go without early learning opportunities.
One of the most haunting stories we received was by a Central Valley mom who, due to affordability, was unable to send one of her four children to preschool. Her observation is that preschool makes a critical difference in a child’s life: “My daughter continues to struggle with school and she is currently in the 5th grade. It is very important for our children to get started early with learning.”
When our kids fall behind, we know that this is a system that doesn’t work for anyone.
Two weeks ago, I delivered your signatures and stories to our leaders in Sacramento asking them make important investments in our state's early learning infrastructure and increase high quality early learning opportunities to more children, especially our most vulnerable. We asked for inspections of childcare and preschool facilities to increase from once every five years to every year. We asked for preschool for all of our low-income children, and to invest in early learning teachers so that they wouldn't have to close their doors -- and thus decrease the number of slots available in our state.
I am happy to report that our coalition was well-received. Leaders from both parties acknowledged the importance of this investment in our children -- the future of our state -- and key legislation is sailing through the Assembly and the Senate. Now we must ensure that it crosses the finish line!
Please tell Governor Jerry Brown that you support high quality early learning in our state. Your voice makes a difference!
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