Today marks the 5-year anniversary of the tragic mass shooting at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. During that needless act of violence, twelve lives were lost, including Jessica Ghawi.
Since that time, Jessi’s mom, Sandy Phillips, has established Jessi’s Message to support and advocate for a safer America by reducing gun violence.
On Tuesday, July 25th we have a tremendous opportunity to join Jessi’s mom Sandy in a conversation about gun violence and ways we can work together to make our communities safer so none of us have to go through the nightmare that Sandy has been through.
Join me at this riveting evening of education, activism, and conversation with Sandy. We must hear survivors’ voices and heed their call to action so that we may prevent other families from being shattered by senseless American gun violence. This will be an unforgettable evening.
Here are the details:
Who: Join MomsRising, along with our co-sponsors Michigan Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence, Everytown/ Moms Demand Action, Physicians for the Prevention of Gun Violence, Ann Arbor Orthodox Minyan, Beth Israel Congregation, Jewish Community Center of Ann Arbor, Jewish Cultural Society, Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor, Temple Beth Emeth.
What: A conversation with Sandy Phillips, mother of Aurora, CO movie theater mass shooting victim Jessica Ghawi.
Where: Temple Beth Emeth, 2309 Packard, Ann Arbor, MI
When: Tuesday, July 25th at 7pm
**All are welcome to this discussion. Please just make sure to RSVP.
We hope to see you in Ann Arbor for this important conversation on Tuesday.
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